Getting my tank drilled...

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Not sure if this is the correct thread to post this under (and if it isn't, then whichever mod moves it, can you please let me know so I can find it again?).

Was wondering if anyone knew of any place local or close to the Seattle area that drills tanks inexpensively? I have a 72 gallon and I just need one hole in the corner drilled for an overflow. Maybe two, if I decide to do the "herbie overflow" method, but to be honest I'm still trying to figure out and understand how it works :noidea:
What size hole? I can drill it if I have the right bit. Are you able to bring it to the frag swap?
What size hole? I can drill it if I have the right bit. Are you able to bring it to the frag swap?

I'm not sure how big the hole needs to be. I've never had to put in an overflow before, so this is all 100% new to me. I honestly thought there was just one general size :-/ I figured it'd be about an inch that too small, or too large?

And I don't know much about the frag swap, since I'm not a member of PSAS yet... I will have to go find the info on it and let you know if we'll be able to make it down.
Ok my freind you need to stop for a second and get a full game plan on what you want to do prior to drilling any holes in your tank. You want to figure out a complete plumbing plan and the get the parts, once that is done and you have them in hand you can start the drilling process. Remember once you drill your done with it. Also you can drill for a 1 inch bulkhead and they all come in different sizes, so thats the reason for having it in your hand first.

have fun

Ok my freind you need to stop for a second and get a full game plan on what you want to do prior to drilling any holes in your tank. You want to figure out a complete plumbing plan and the get the parts, once that is done and you have them in hand you can start the drilling process. Remember once you drill your done with it. Also you can drill for a 1 inch bulkhead and they all come in different sizes, so thats the reason for having it in your hand first.

have fun

Like Norm says.."measure twice, cut once"
I think Rob charges somewhere around 30 per hole drilled.

There might be a few glass shops that will drill it, but hopefully someone here will know for sure.

I'd go and have the bulk heads in hand though. I know Blue Sierra and Barrier Reef have them along with Red C of course. (Can you tell I've needed bulkheads in a hurry before?)
As Mike said - plan before drilling. And then get the actual bulkheads you plan to use. Different bulkheads for the same size pipe (schedule 40 versus schedule 80) will require different size holes.

By the way - I would go with two overflow holes. I have not heard many people mention that they had too much overflow capacity, but not having enough overflow capacity can limit return pump options.
I looked into this a couple months ago. Most places charge $30-$35 and there is a couple days wait. I wanted to drill a couple holes, so I was going to get a bit and drill it myself (my project is on hold). Look on YouTube and you can see many people drilling, it's not too bad. The glass shops also don’t guarantee that they won’t break it either.

Also, I believe McLendons carries bulkheads also and they are in your town. :)