Getting new long till open?

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BAM! BAM! Goes the blenny
Jan 26, 2005
Centralia WA
Just curious..when you all get new zooz and add to your tank..How long does it normally take them to come out?
I havent got any in such a long time..and just got some yesterday..and they have not come out all day today.
They were in their bag for 3 hrs till I got a stryofoam box..then accilmiated for 2 hrs....
Today nothing. They were all out in the store when I bought them.
I checked my tank...I did do a water change..cause some of the things were a BIT high.
ammonia .5
nitrite .5
nitrate .5
ph 7.8 (yikes) But brought up
sal 1.025

So..I am going to say its cause of that..But what you all think?

Did your zooz open up right away with your experience? ( say you had perfect water..etc.)
Just looking for thoughts
I have had some that took a few days to open up. Most of the time, it is just a matter of a couple hours. With the ammonia & nitrite you have, they might take a little longer. Did something recently die in the tank?
Zoas usually open really quick. They are some of the hardiest corals.
ya had a shipment of snails came in..I had 10 in my tank ( 20gal long ) and they didnt make it..I threw them out. I am thinking that is what spiked my stuff.
The tank is 2 weeks..however...its water ALL from my 2 yr old 185...sand from established tanks..and liverock from my 185 and my LFS. The water was good before those snails..SO..I did a water change..still high on the 3...I added PRIME to the water that helps with those 3..detoxifiing...

By you think I should do another water change?