Getting Ricordia to "Stick"

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2009
I received a very beautiful ricordia polyp from someone but it isn't attached to anything. I put it in a low flow spot in the tank but when I was moving some zoas it got swept under the lr and it took me 30 min to fish it out with a spoon and my mom's help. Right now I have it on an empty shell under a glass to try to get it to attach to the shell and not get blown away again. It has been under the glass for 3 days and I list it every now and then to give it a little flow and see if it is taking any hold. It isn't. Can I glue it's foot directly to something, or is that a no-no? Any tricks or tips? Thanks!!
I glue all of my loose ones to rocks with no problems. Sometimes the glue won't stick to them very well and other times it does.
Do you take them out of the tank and dry off their foot and the rock before you glue them, or do you glue them wet/underwater? What kind of glue do you use?
I take the rock and the ric out of the water, have the glue ready, then put a dab of glue on the ric and a dab on the rock. Stick them together and then put back in the water. I don't dry the ric or the rock. I use bsi IC-GEL.
BR is about an hour from me so I'll look a little closer to home. Thanks so much for your help!
You can use the gel super glue from any hardwear store to glue it down. But you can also take some fishing line and tie it to the rock. But I always us rubber bands. Put the rubber band around the Ric and rock place it in the tank then about a week later remove the rubber band. By that time it should have attached to the rock.
You can use the gel super glue from any hardwear store to glue it down. But you can also take some fishing line and tie it to the rock. But I always us rubber bands. Put the rubber band around the Ric and rock place it in the tank then about a week later remove the rubber band. By that time it should have attached to the rock.

The ric is the size of a dime so I'm a little afraid to put a rubber band over it, but thank you for the superglue tip!
The best way to get mushy's to stick is to grab a small plastic container with a removable top, poke holes in the top and place rubble rock inside the container place the mushroom on top of the rock close the top and set inside your tank on the bottom where less flow hits then you should be good in a week or less or whenever it decides to attach ;)
I have tried that process with a plastic tupperware and it works wonderful. It allows just enough flow to make the animal want to hold on but not enough for the guy to get blown all over the tank. Also if you have a clear lid it will also allow light to enter that way he is not stuck in the dark
I have tried that process with a plastic tupperware and it works wonderful. It allows just enough flow to make the animal want to hold on but not enough for the guy to get blown all over the tank. Also if you have a clear lid it will also allow light to enter that way he is not stuck in the dark
I've used plastic clear cups with the clear top where you punch the straw threw becuz those don't take up much space :) works like a charm! I've notice glue doesn't work as great with mushrooms with my exprience they tend to not wanna stick as great!
I think I'll try the tupperware thing tomorrow. Thanks for all the help guys!
use the plastic container or use a piece of tulle fabric- wedding veil kind of stuff. I cut a piece big enough to cover the mushroom and the rock or part of rock I want it stuck on- then use rubber bands to hold the tulle down, usually one on each side. Leave it in place a couple of weeks, then take off. I like to chop up and move my rics and yumas, this works well.