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Well here it is. I am running a 10 gallon sump on this beast. Not much room but my water turnover rate is very high. My corals aree closed up they extend a little from dark time to light but not much. They are frags from a buddy of mine, I hope they make it. Thank you Krish for the photo upload info, spot on as all the other info you and the others have been giving me from this forum.
It is that blue sponge material filter pad. I clean them once a week with my 10% water change. I just went ahead and removed them. They were pretty dirty from just 2 days. Thanks alot. So again I don't mean to beat this into the ground but do I just remove the light colored GHA or should I be harvesting/trimming the bright green stuff as well when it grows out long. I don't want to do anything to prematurley creating adverse affects.
What about dosing with Purple Up? From your experience would this encourage coralline algae growth like the bottle says or would it be another contributor to the GHA?