Well my LPS are fine but my 3 Xenia colony are not looking good nor my 2 Goby and 1 Coral Beauty, I've been up awhile monitoring the tank and watching the signs of crash, i think i'm on the edge:tsk:. I'll see how today turns out.
Sleeper Gold Head Goby (Valenciennea strigata) just died:rip:, The Diamond Watchman Goby (Valenciennea puellaris) is doing better but was older than the Sleeper. The Coral Beauty isn't eating we'll see. All my Anemones are well so are my shrimps and crabs. Clowns are fine so is the Cardinal and snells.
I had this happen, but was luckly there to deal with it asap.
I would recommend adding a grounding probe to your sump, they are very cheap.
Mine cracked when water got too low when I was doing a water change. Remembering to shut it off during water change and maybe an auto top off could help avoid future heater disasters
Jaygalindo was this a Stealth heater? I have heard so many stories of them breaking and crashing tanks I can't believe they are still in bussiness. Hopefully your tanks pulls through.
Wow this seems to be happening to alot of people. I myself just found i had stray electricity in my tank and started looking for a reasn and found a fracture in my heater. Lost Most of my acros to this. Its been about a month and the stuff that lived is starting to look decent again.
Just about every story I have read on the stealth heaters is they just explode for no reason. Marineland will send you a new heater free of charge because they know this is a problem but I wouldn't ever trust one in my tanks.
Current update: Coral Beauty, Tang (Hippo), Sleeper Goby, 3 Xenia Pulsing hand, to Zoo:angel:. Tank has stablized for now.
everyone is eating again and swimming up front not hiding an under rocks. This was a Stealth Pro and i'm looking for a better more reliable heating source?? Suggestions? Might go the Chiller route.
Update: Spoke with Marineland today they said: "If i still had the heater and go to a LFS and have them write up a cost estimate of lost Live Stock (must be on a LFS letter haed with a good contact) plus cost of LPS and Softy also a good day number. Pack it up and send it to their claim department that they would settle with me in two weeks once their investergation is complete on the cause of the heater exploding. I'm Sending ALL the info out today and will keep you update or if you want their Claim department info let me know.
Just some info for the folks. Marineland Stealth Pro heaters have life time warranty. Mine went out (just quit working, no cracking or explosion) so I called them up at 1-800-322-1266 and they sent me a new one, no questions asked.