Glass safe in Seattle

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Jan 9, 2006
I am moving to your area from Atlanta and I have a 120G Oceanic tank that is sitting dry at the moment. My plan was to move it, but I have heard that people in your area typically use Acryllic tanks - due to earthquake concerns. I wanted to verify if this is the case - or whether it is safe to use glass tanks...

what we have earthqakes:eek:oh crap i better move:lol:just joking there was only one so far i felt here in wa state,knock on wood.i had a 90gal glass and it didn't move.i think it safe for your tank to be in wa state,but if we have one and u start running for the hill can i have the tank:lol:WELCOME TO RF

it's safe
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Thanks Tony... you know how it is. People share all of this old wives tales with you about places before you move there. The tank looks very solid and is thick glass. Seams look great...

...but I thought I should check so that I didn't get laughed at for stupidity...
No worries on the glass tanks. I had two that made it through the "big" quake we had a while back. Like Tony said though, earthquakes are more of a California thing than a Washington.
I moved here from CA, southern CA. I have never owned an acrylic tank. I had a 100, a 150, and a 90 gallon hex all do fine during the Northridge quake. Sure, the sloshing water made a mess on the walls, but it was easy to clean up.
i have 4 glass tanks, and my dad's had them for many years, over 10 probably over 20 no breaks during earthquakes