okay, here's my dilema! I'm setting up a 20 gallon long tank that's 29" long, 11" deep, and 14" tall (I'm not so sure of the verticle measurement). The stand uses 2x4s laid on their side as a base for the bottom corners of the tank. I want to utilize a 3x5" internal overflow box in the corner of the tank (tank is going to be in a corner too with back and wall side painted black). There will be about a 5" space between the walls and the tank. I originally wanted a bottom hole drilled into my tank for my overflow, but I don't want to have to cut into my stand. I think instead, I'm going to try something that I haven't yet read about someone else doing. I am going to drill my overflow hole about 2" up the back side of the tank (maybe just 1" up), go into my tank about an inch (maybe half), 90 degree elbow up, and then into one of those "upside-down J-tubes" (for a quiet overflow). I would then need another 90 degree elbow outside my tank that then feeds to the sump (10 gallon with mini refugium and protein skimmer). How will these turns affect my flow into the sump? Will this work? I can't seem to see why not - besides the fact that the flow might be slightly lower. What do you think? I just got my lights (65w x2 power compacts) in the mail, my rock is curing in Rubbermaids, and I just have to figure out this plumbing stuff first! I should have started a new post, but hope some people find this! THANK YOU for any input!