Goin' crab huntin'

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Montipora Keeper
Sep 20, 2008
Edmonds, WA
Today, it finally happened. A black crab with hairy legs finally caused some trouble in my tank. This afternoon, I took a look inside my tank and noticed that one of my acans was touching another acans and hurting it pretty bad. The injured acans lost a couple of heads. Now that just makes me mad...

I suspect that the first acans was pushed in to the second one by a black crab that I noticed in my tank a couple weeks ago. I had witnessed him benchpressing one of my acans before. Sure enough, it was the same acans that got moved. I have noticed the black crab hanging out in that area of the tank, even during the day, but under cover of the rocks.

So tonight I am setting a trap. I cut the top off a plastic mustard jar and rigged up a couple of fishing hooks in the bottom of the jar. I'll place a couple of shells in the bottom of the jar as ballast and use raw shrimp as bait. I will then place the trap next to some rock where the black crab can access the trap. I know that my peppermint shrimp will be all over the bait overnight, but hopefully, I will have caught the black crab.

Wish me luck!

Not yet. Last night, I saw the black crab next to the trap, hiding behind a montipora colony. As expected, my peppermint shrimp was raiding the bait, but that's okay. Perhaps the black crab wil see the shrimp eating and wonder where the shrimp is getting the goodies.

I left my lights off today and will turn on the halides when I get home from work. It would be great to find the black crab trapped when I get home tonight. I am a patient man, and I will eventually catch him.

i havent really had a problem with hitchhikers... im suprised by how many people do though! let us know when you catch it!!!!
Might try a clear glass, such as a shot glass or a little larger, leaning up against a piece of rock. The crab will climb into the glass from the the rock, but can't climb out.

I originally was going to used a small clear glass, but would have had a hard time potentially fastening the shrimp to teh bottom of the glass. The shrimp that I bought is shell-on, but its easy peel. I can just see my peppermint shrimp and black crab working together to easy peel the piece of shrimp out off its shell. I can just glue the shrimp with the shell still on it to the bottom of the glass.

The mustard container that I used is a clear plastic and it was leaning against a rock. I may give the original shot-glass method a try tonight, as my wife is uncomfortable with a couple of hooks in the tank with two curious hungry fish in the tank.

I cut the top off of a one liter water bottle and then stuck the top back on backwards. Put some frozen food in and that worked for my shrimp. The only bad thing is that it didn't work over night so I left it in when I went to work and came home to a dead Wrasse and one dead Peppermint shrimp. So I wouldn't leave it in when you are gone.

I had temporarily suspended the crab hunt. I think that I will set up a new trap tonight.

Thanks, guys.

Good luck gary! let us know what you find. I can't say i've seen a crab like this before and am curious so I can keep an eye out for the little buggers next I get live rock.

I have never had good luck with the cup traps. What lizardarm posted actually works pretty well if you can find out where the crab hangs out. I have caught at least a half dozen crabs this way.
Wait till lights out. With the room only dimly lit, put some bait in front of the crab hang out. Stand where the crab can't see you and wait. I have a pair of foot long tweezers that I use for crab grabbing. The trick is luring it to an area where you can actually get a hold of them. Sometimes ripping them off the rock structure is impossible. If you can get it on to the sand, its an easy grab.
