gonipora whos got em

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commercial coral diver
Nov 18, 2005
so this is my fav coral the way it flows in the current the little coral goby that inhabbits it the colour and the overall size of the peice its been in this tank 2 years prior to me owning it and ive had it almost a year in august it loves the halides but did very well for 2 years under 4 fluros i dont know how much its worth but i wouldnt part with it im very proud of my goni and everyone that see's my tank comments on it so i thought i would like to share it with all of u and too see who eles keeps this coral
ive got one but i dont know how to get the pic from "my photo gallery" to here, so check it out there if you want. mine is a different species but similar polyps.
thats my anthelia! sorry i checked my attachments and the pic of my G was in there so i thought it was in M.G.'s. do a search on "bubble in softie?" and you will see it. i will figure out how to post it later.
nice long polyps mine are all pretty even some days its bigger then others mine is so tough to been through 50nitrates and 20 phosphates and never slowed down
I've had mine for about a 7months. This pic was taken shortly after the atinics turned on and before all the polyps fully extended. When it's fully extended you can barely see the base.
do ur polpys stay extened for over an hour or 2 after the light go off i just run 1 400watt 14000k
Yeah. They slowly start to come out in the morning with just the natural light in
room. Then progessively more as the lights come one. when the lights turn off in the evening it's still out for a little while until it closes up.
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how much light is required to keep those. i really like them... i have 260 wt pc's and another 65wt pc on my main tank.
I have had a purple one for about 6 months. Nice coral but from reading the aquarium success rate is not to good.
From what I have "read" the red, blue, purple have a better success rate in the aquarium than the common yellow ones.
um this ones been going for almost 3 years mh is the best for em its an awsome coral
ive never had a probelm with clowns bothering it
its an awsome coral i like how mine the polyps are close togeather and quiet long i wonder how much it has grown and if it will propergate its self
I had one once it was awsome. It looked very healthy for a few months and then began to decline slowly. Maybe now my old tank has enough detritis and such to keep one fed? Beautifull flowing motion. They are usually reasonably priced and they usually die after a little while. Good job keeping yours! It can be done! Alveopora is just as cool, but just as hard to keep- check it out - they are awsome!
Here's mine. I was told it was a goni... but I am thinking it is an alveopora

i've always shyed away from them because i too have heard bad things about their survival rate. They are beautiful corals though. And if i felt comfortable enough with them, i'd consider trying one.
i dont really feed mine anything except for a product an australian company makes its good stuff put 10 mls in every week or couple of days makes the whole tank an orange and all the corals feed propley gets sum brine to when i feed
i know they dont do well normally when i got my tank it came with 4
2 had been peckd by an angel the previous owner had and they just kept reciding partially my fault but i have 2 left one better then the other
my really good one must be an oddity i wouldnt trad it for the crazys coloured acro or zoo