Good corals for starting out

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2008
Post Falls, Idaho
Im wondering what corals might be good for starting out?

Something that doesnt need the best light out there, (I have a pc flurecent light) and lots of experence.
Where is a good place to start for getting more info?
umm Soft Corals Like Xenia, Kenya Tree, Button Polyps,... there are more I just don't know the names off the top of my head.

have you tried the resources library forums here? You may want to look at that area and read up on a bit.
You can keep just about any soft coral, like those listed above, as well as Mushrooms and such. You could also keep several different LPS, but they might want to be higher in your tank. Frogspawn, Torch Coral, Hammer Coral. When you're reading about corals, if they list lighting requirements, you'll be able to keep anything in the "medium lighting" range. If it's Medium-High, you might be able to get away with it, if you are able to keep it high in your tank and close to your lights.
You can keep just about any soft coral, like those listed above, as well as Mushrooms and such. You could also keep several different LPS, but they might want to be higher in your tank. Frogspawn, Torch Coral, Hammer Coral. When you're reading about corals, if they list lighting requirements, you'll be able to keep anything in the "medium lighting" range. If it's Medium-High, you might be able to get away with it, if you are able to keep it high in your tank and close to your lights.

Ah thanks, I'll start there and do some reading.

I had started out planning to just keep fish and the live rock, and later get a better light to keep a coral or two.
So when I was given this better light, it got me wanting to add some corals.

Of course since its a bigger light, 48" light for my 30" tank, not only does it look funny right now, but it has me pondering moving to a bigger tank.
They are spendy.. well not so much if you just get the tank. 75 gals is what I have looked at over at Barbies.
When you add drilling that adds at least 130.00

So it has me not sure, and saving up my $$:|
You should keep your eyes on the equipement sales forum.

I picked up a 72g bowfront and stand for 100bucks..
Let me give you a different perspective than most. Decide what you ultimately want to keep in the tank; SPS, LPS, softies, mixed garden, etc. I say this because you can see over and over again where people started with softies knowing they wanted to have SPS at some point only to realize SPS and softies often don't mix well. Ask anyone who has tried to remove sofites how much fun that is. It can be virtually impossibly without starting over from scratch.

Additionally, the equipment needs are different. If you plan to have SPS then it makes sense to buy based on that rather than having to sell equipment at a loss later and get new stuff.

I am not saying you can't start with softies and be just fine, but it has caused a lot of headaches for people over the years to not think about where you plan to have your tank end up.
Well I think my goals are changing a bit. I started wanting to use my existing tank and have some easy fish, live rock and thats it. Also that was to see if I liked saltwater and for finances to go slow.

I was told by the LFS that I could switch to salt, get the rock, the regular light would work for the fish and live rock and I could go slow.
Then after reading and shopping around and being told how many fish would fit in my 30 gal. I see I would like more. I really want to have a clown fish or two and an
anemone for it. Also seeing the shrimp/goby pairs that
are so facinating Id like them. Beyond that I really like
the corals like button polyps and the xenia (sp)

What has been hard and frustrating is that you get a different answer from everyone you talk to, and each LFS tells you something different.
After I was given this light, which is too big for my tank but hey a light! It got us thinking we should get a larger tank, more room, more stable.. all good things.. but then I was told I really should get a drilled tank, but with it being almost twice the cost we decided to wait on that.
You have to get more live rock, sand ect..
Then work dropped off dramatically so we are waiting on that purchase.

Some tell me my wishes will all work together. Some say I cant have this with that. I want the advise, but its hard to know what is true.
I was told this week that clowns were mean and would pick on my cardinal fish.
Its my only fish. So...

At this point Im trying to learn more about what I want to add, save my money for a larger tank but it might be months away.

So meanwhile Im reading and checking out things!
I have a PJ cardinal in with a threesome of clowns and they get along fine. The mistake I think I made is that I may have one to many clowns as they are known to get nasty with age...I guess that's true wilh all of us...:D

I wonder if the PJ cardinals are different in temperment
than the one i have. Mine is the regular banggai cardinal.
Not sure I spelled that right!
Chilli corals don't need any light and niether does sun coral they need to be under a rock or overhang for shade! (this i've read in many different spots) AND anemone's need ALOT of light!!!!
Anenomes need light but Myteemouse is right that Sun Coarls do not need light the only thing with them is that you do need to feed it and you need to feed every polyp. Look for Non Photosynthetic Corals.
I think that you could get away with the 30g and the things you want...but here is something to consider. Water chemistry will be sensitive balance to maintain.. You will spend more trying to maintain that 30g with the stock load.

Like mentioned earlier you will find awsome deals from members in the forums for tanks. Knowing now what I didnt at the start... Always buy bigger than what you desire at the will kick yourself later as you want to upgrade...

Something about salt water tanks...I started out with a 10 gallon ...just for kicks... small PC light..HOB penguin filter. Believe it or not.. Anenome clown peppermint shrimp and button did great... the next thing I know 6 months later I am blowing cash on skimmers tanks(plural yes) and lights...=)

Here as an Idea:
1. Pickup a 55 gallon at walmart.. 100bucks or find one on site for less or even craig list. You may find a deal in our I did.

2. Pick up the biggest baddest skimmer you can buy

3. Build a canopy with ply and frame it with solid woods..avoid pine it warps easy ..

4. add Mylar a reflective material in indoor planting (hydroponic stores have them)

5. Pickup some light hoods like moguls or pendants..mogul end caps are 15 bucks...reflectors are like 30... bulbs about 70-99 depending on store for 250watters.

This setup will get you a tank big enough ...provide you with 500watts of lights if you buy two moguls..

Here is also a big bonus : Blue sierra forum and Barrier reef announced there anual sale... even though you dont like the suggestion above... Its a good time to purchase things new.

Im starting a new tank myself going up from 55 to 72... like you I am on a budget...Ive been buying a piece at a time ..a ballast here...a bulb there...a sump...etc may takes months to finally get it up..but it will be worth it and not such a dent in a monthly budget all at once.
Here is also a big bonus : Blue sierra forum and Barrier reef announced there anual sale... even though you dont like the suggestion above... Its a good time to purchase things new.

Blue sierra and Barrier reef? Never heard of them.
Tell me more!

Your idea is good.. I had planned to get a 55 but
after checking prices and looking at a 75 I was all ready
to get that one since it had more room for rock and to access the tank but was the same length.
I could use my light for now and have my hubby build
the stand. but then we started talking drilled.. and that cost twice as much. So.. I need to do it piece by piece.
I'd hoped to add something to the 30 gal for now, that would fit in the end plan still.
Like a clown!!
I wonder if the PJ cardinals are different in temperment
than the one i have. Mine is the regular banggai cardinal.
Not sure I spelled that right!

I don't knw. My PJ just hangs around in one spot. Most active at night. When I first got it, it only ate shrimp. took me 5-6 months and I offered it some frozen blood worms and it ate them like a pig. It now it's everything I offer.
I don't knw. My PJ just hangs around in one spot. Most active at night. When I first got it, it only ate shrimp. took me 5-6 months and I offered it some frozen blood worms and it ate them like a pig. It now it's everything I offer.

My Cardinal hangs in one spot mostly too. In the back of the tank. It will hang out front when its hungry.
It only likes shrimp too. I have marine flakes and frozen bloodworms too. I should try the bloodworms. I get them for my freshwater fish. Id like it to eat a variety too.
Yes, try the bloodworms. My LFS said that he feeds his new arrivials that and most will be eating real soon.
Yes you need to check out Blue Sierra and Barrier Reefs. Blue Sierra has some used stuff and always worth browsing thru.
I am such a moron... I forgot about this... I have a 55 gallon soon to be moved..well Soon in salt water terms is more like month or more... depending on cycle.

Once I have that 55 gallon cleaned out selling the stand and tank for 50 bucks..stands in great condition..tank is to.

You want it just PM me to hold onto it for yah and I will let you know when I am ready.
If I remember right, MrSculpin is in the Spokane area. $50 for a 55 gal tank is a real good price. I sold my 75 gal for $200...

MrSculpin, I would go with a 75, b/c one get more room front-back, but if you can get a 55 for cheap now, and then drill the 75 latter. it might work out. But moving tanks isn't normally fun. You could get a tank (55 or 75) and then drill the 30 gal you have now and use it as a header tank. that way the critters that grow in it can flow in to your tank with out being choped to bits by the impeller in your return pump! I know someone with a 300+ litre header tank for his 4.5'X3'X3' tank (he does have lots of sumps though)
Black Clowns are normally grumpier than other clowns... SOME nems don't need loads of light, but of course they do prefer brighter lights VS dim lights. If your tank is lightly stocked AND you have a refugium you can get away with not using a skimmer.
I'm in the Spokane Valley and I have some coral i need to that needs "trimming." I have 3 or 4 types of zoa already fraged $5-15 depending on size and 3 types xeina a sample of each for free with purchase or $5...
Vince drills tanks I think is his site...