Good FOWLR Fish Combo For Tank

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Feb 18, 2007
I have a 75 gal FOWLR tank right now and I currently have a Royal Gram, an FP Clown, and two damsels and some red legged herm and snails. I'm Lookin to exanp the variety a little in my tank and was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions for compatible tank makes. Should i add more damsels or I was hoping for maybe a coral beauty or Tang of some sort? Any Definite NO's for new tank mates? I want to keep an easy to maintain tank cuz I stay pretty busy and I'm pretty new to salt water so nuthin tooo delicate. Any input would be a great help thanks!
Since you havent really specifide what you want, i will just through some things out there. For a 75gal i wouldnt suggest a tang, at least not yet, but you could go with any of the more hardy dwarf angel, any dwarf wrasse (you could get a larger like lunar or something if you didnt want you invertes :)), hawkfish, goby's....the list goes on, pretty much anything that stays a maximum length of about 4" and under.

I agree with Augustus and to add to what he said, I personally wouldn't add anymore damsels. They get real territorial and can stress out other tank mates quiet easilly not to mention nip fins and so forth. :)
If I can't bring myself to part with my Damsels do I have ANY options? Other Damsels or maybe a few more FP Clowns? I realize getting the Damsels was a mistake but i was told they were really easy and good for beginners and now ive had them nearly a year and don't really want to part with them.
agree, dwarf angels seems to be a good idea

but you don't want to missed out those lovely anthias

Would adding a pair of FP clowns be a bad idea if i already have one? I also read somewhere that dwarf butterflies were hard to keep alive maybe that was bad info.
If you want a pair of clowns I would just add one thats a bit smaller than the one you have. I added mine that way, and they have been a pair ever since.

I think the damsels would pick on something small like a clown goby. You could try a watchman goby instead they're bigger, and can defend themselves.

Some other ideas are a blenny, a dwarf angel, a hawkfish (if your not planning on adding more inverts), or a wrasse.
Can i add a pair of FP clowns to my tank If i already have one?
If I add more damsels and decide to just hhave a damsel and cown tank would that be a horrible idea?