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Well-known member
May 15, 2006
Long time no see peoples.. yes Im still alive, And my tank is still thriving, anyway..

lets cut to the chase (yes my spelling is just as bad as it use to be :)

Ive milked all that i could milk out of the 2 controllers i have,

Both reef keepers 2 controllers are on the fritz, display issues relay issues, Ive taken them part ive repaired them... Im just done fighting them.

Oh course this has happen at the worse time possible (like most things in life)

but ive decided to bite off a new controller...

last night i had a relay failure on the outlet that controls the heater, (even thought the program was set to not turn the lights on if the water goes over 81 ) I didn't catch it till 83 (yeah not happy)

so this morning.. lights never turned off this time... ran the lights all night long

this is where im standing right now,





Im not worried about it honestly... my tank is quite strong and healthy..

I dont do water changes,
(for at least over a year now)

so the new question, controllers...
i have 2 reef keeper 2 controllers.. (3/4) of the outlets are not being used,
i really only need to control 2 heaters and cooling fan,

The apex aquative controller junior seems to be right what i need,
But then there is
Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper LITE System LEVEL 3 (PLUS)

i assume they both do networking with apps...

does anyone have anything to say b4 i choose (pending on shipping and final cost?)

* brown bob is gone,
Nemo is about 15 now (i think)
dori is good
tank is very stable..
Oh @!

my best is to say, that the GtBa disapeered for almost 2 years ( looked melted) looked like it was going to split... looked dead...

Then came back to life (im convinced it was because of the switch from HID to LED)
Neptune Systems AquaController Apex Jr

Is going to win i think '
It has been a while.
Tank is looking good.

Bummer about the reef keepers going out.
Bummer about the reef keepers going out.

they both have thousands of hours on them... I cant even image how many cycles the relays have on them (they are solid state relays with 2 mechanical relays)
I have one Controller that the screen gets funny every once and a while... and the memory is stored in the screen so..

Its past time.. Its not a bad thing.. its just more of a safety issue, my house has turned in to quite the automation place, CCVt that can be viewed on the phone fish tank can be viewed from the phone.. and now ill be able to see live data of the tank as well.. (its nice being able to see the tank, but all you can really see is if the lights came on, or if the tank fell over) you can see any of the controller data..

anyway... Ill return after i get the new one setup..

Good to talk to you guys
Let me know how this controller works out for you.

I've been through some serious ups and downs with my system over the last couple of years as well.

Kids suck up free time, heater died in the winter when things were at the busiest for me with work, dropping temps down to the 50's, killing all SPS and bleaching out all anemones.....etc, etc.....

I'm in the process of rebuilding the 120 and I havent decided if I want to spend the money on a controller or not.
I can see how it might be useful, but I've been able to get by for quite awhile without one.....
stability, Over the years ive learned A lot of things by just figuring it out my self

I never went on to go get a bunch of fish.. I Think 99% of people's tanks are over stocked heavly..

I have 2 fish. a clown and a tang, 3 hermit crabs 2 dozzen snails or so.. everything else is just light and heated water,

I bet a lot of you guys feed your tank serveral times a week.. i feed maybe once or twice, my fish spend there time picking looking for pods and algae growth,
What ever you put it, has to come out, unless its used, If you put the right amount of stuff in to your tank, your tank will consume it,

I use to want to boost my tanks speeed when it was younger (when i was younger with the tank) but then i realized that you can, It has to do its own thing.. Once the tank is stable and everything is in ballance with it, Its quite ez,

Now that ive been here talking about this.. Ill probably do 15 gallon water change later this week... that would be the first time since at least last summer,
I think the last time i did a water change was after i first saw the GTBA come back after 2 years back last summer it was bleeched and looking like it was falling apart, But i was wrong,
Thanks for the information. I am one of those who has a heavily stocked fish tank because I enjoy watching all of my critters swimming around, in and out of the rocks and it is very hard for me to pick a favorite fish or coral. Even though I am twice your age, I have only been in this hobby for about 5 or 6 years, I have read a lot and asked a lot of questions and I am still learning. I fortunately have made good decisions, some minor mistakes, but it has resulted in a beautiful tank. I do water changes every three weeks and feed every day. Thank you for the info on your tank. I always enjoy hearing about other peoples tanks and how they take care of their systems.
Nice tank. Video was like a link the the vid. Worked for me. C u got a lot of red.monti cap.
yeah the red monti Is almost as bad as algae At times i just break it off and toss it out (i feel bad about it, but its over growing the tank) Ive giving it away many times to being who want large plates,

Its free for anyone who wants to come get some...
the peices that break off and fall to the bottem end up rooting and taking off...
So crazy how you have not done a water change in a year. If I don't change mine at least once a month my tank around crash
lol i just realized i dont even know where my bucket of salt is,

I know i had been collecting a "back up" bucket which is all the little bit left over thats not enough for a full mix,
but the yellow scoope (think it was a 2 cup scoop) should still be in the last bucket i bought.. years ago..

i should find that
you guys would be more amazed on how i do a 20g water change in like 10 min ,
sorry... had my stuff on lock down.. published as public now.. let me no