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Hey there, How about some flow directed at the glass, reflecting it causing it to scatter and diffuse a little, even rocks can help control the flow if your getting too much in any one spot.
Well thats part of the plan as far the bottom part of the CL.....
also the top if the CL will have these rotating "sprinkler head" type thingies called Revolutions....
Click on this
video link to see a quick clip on how these takes just a bit to get uploaded for me and I've got DSL....dial-up beware.
I'm just concerned that the 3/4 inch Revolutions might be too much flow.....but its also going to be hitting the top and one of the bottom CL ports.
I need to do the flow calculator on that set up....
Yes, I've seen this already, It is nice, IMO I think you will be ok but before committing to any one idea, ask an Expert, maybe shoot Mike a Pm.
Hey Nick

I would keep everything as simple as possible, first decide on the size of pump you want, that will determing the inlet into the 4 way, lets suppose you go with a 1200 gph pump with a 1" outlet, get the 4 way with the 1 inch inlet.

If you run four 1" pipes to the tank then you can use the drum that simply sequences 1thru4, if you prefer to drop to 3/4" pipes then you need either version 2 or 3 to allow the pump to do it's job, no point in buying a 1200 gph pump and choking it.

Looking at the pics I think you have a little too much going on, I would like to see it cleaner, you need to be able to hide as much as possible, I would be inclined to run version 3 drum, run outlet 1 to the right side of the tank pointing to the left, outlet 3 would feed a 360degree rev in the middle of the tank, outlet 2 could go to your spraybar, or to another 360 rev, and 4 would go to the left side of the tank.
when water exits from the right it will be deflected randomly by the rev that is on at the same time, if you use 2 revs the same thing will happen when water exits from the left, it's up to you what you use, I can only give you some alternatives.
If you feel the flow is a little much then open up the drum a little more to reduce the flow equally, better than turning down the pump.

hope this helps

thank you for your reply. I really enjoyed speaking w/ you the other evening. I'm sorry I havent replied before this...been pretty busy w/ the police academy.
Looking at all of this again, I think I've been trying to re-invent the wheel.
I think I'm going to make another rendition but basically just have version one OM and run ports one and three up high and two and four down low. I'm wanting to put a Y in the bottom returns in order to be able to sweep out the corners of the tanks and flush out under the rockwork.
I will make up another image, but it wont be tonight...have some traffic accident reports to write and a pistol to clean.... times ahead......
Okay...came up w/ plan B.....whatcha think????
I'm thinking of using an Iwaki MD-30RLXT or a MD-40RLXT, (1000 and 1200 GPH respectively). They both have 1 inch ports, I was thinking of going w/ 1 1/2 inch outlets into the tank to reduce water pressure but maintain volume.
On the top returns, (gray color) there are two outlets, the outer one points downward at a 45 degree angle on either side.
I would still like to have a spray bar back behind the rockwork.....still trying to figure that one out.....
Now that looks clean, and i think will give you what you want, what about splitting the easiest outlet at the end for two one inch lines and running it to the spray bar? you could do it twice if you wished.

hope this makes sense

Spoke to Mojo and came up w/ Plan C, (Closed loop V 3.0)
This is cleaner looking still, and removes the dead spots in the corners that the previous plan had....
Whatcha think?
That would work very well, if you are using a true "y" in the corners, then I wouldn't glue them, this way you could swivel them from time to time and have some flow changes...
Hmm that gives me another idea!

Nick I would have the Y in a position where one end was pointing towards the front of the tank(along the side wall) and the other was dead in the back corner pointing out at a 45 degree angle, say kinda towards the center of the front glass. On the Y part that is pointing straight I would extend it up to the middle of the distance between front and back. from eith output point I would just attach some lock line so you can adjust from thier.

On the bottom set it looks good but I would come forward a bit on the side wall of the overflow.

Mike, Like this????
Forgot to mention that Loc-Line is going on each output for the ability to fine tune flow......
Yep Nick I like the top CL return system. now just look at the grey lower out puts. move them forward a tiny bit, closer to the front of the overflow box.

Mike, like this...again Loc-line will be on all out puts for flexibility in directing flow....
Would you post some pictures of the finished system? I can only get so much from the schematics. I am looking at Oceans Motions for my 55 hex. Being the visual creature I am I need visuals (actual):p

Absolutely.....thats half the fun!!! I have everything on order and expect to be getting this up and running shortly.
Hey Nick
Looks like you have with the help of some knowlegable people come up with a winner!! don't you just love it when a plan comes together..

I think its a winner also.....and I have you guys to thank for the planning and design. Huge hats off and thanks to Mike and Paul both. You guys are awesome!
Seriously, thanks for the info and advice.....and also your understanding during the late night phone calls....MUCH appreciated.
Any updates? It's been close to a month now and I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing what you have to say about the Oceans Motions. Love it, hate it, or did you abandon the plan?
No updates as of yet. I've been assembling all necessary parts for the tank, and I'm just waiting on a skimmer and overflow from IAP, (sposed to be here sometime this week), and Paul from OM is sending me a reducer for my OM 4 way unit, (2" pump is an Iwaki MD-55RLT which only has 1" ports and I cant find a 2"-1" reducer out here.)
I can tell you that the customer service from both IAP and OM is AWESOME!!! Both John (IAP) and Paul, (OM) have been fantastic! These guys have answered all of my questions, (even the dumb ones) and been incredibly helpful. I seriously reccomend them to anyone.
Long story shouldnt be too much longer before this is all up and running. Rest assured I will document all stages til your sick!