got live rock for x mams gift...what do I do now!!

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Well, all tests show 0 except Nitrate is still at 10. I did a 100% water change in the tote. I will now leave it be and test every other day. I hope to be able to put it into the display tank on Dec. 26th! There are snails and some little mushrooms clinging to the sides of the tote! If they continue to do well, and the water tests continue to be ok, I think I will be fine by the 26th. I had to mix the water for the change in 5 gallon buckets, so it is about 72 degrees :(, but will be back up around 78 in about 6 hours (the powerhead heats up the water nicely).

I will test water tonight when I get home from work and post results!

I am SO excited to finally (after a year) get my display tank to look the way I want it to! I plan on building some PVC frames to stack the LR on! I am trying to figure out how to glue some of my substrate on the PVC..... (to help hide it)

Thanks for tagging along and answering my questions!

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Hey James- This is from the good friend who bought you the rock. The dealer said the rock comes in "dry" when they first get it. Can't wait to bring the kids over to see the tank!! Matt
Hey Matt!

I am glad you posted. He did tell me that it had been there for over a montha and in with other esstablished rock. It looks great! I hope to be able to set it up on the 26th! My VHO lighting will be here around that tiem too. Should have 1st corral before the big New Years party! I have a couple of Clowns. The kids will get a kick out of them!
Welcome to Rf Matt! So your James' buddy who bought him the rock hey? If so, that's a great gift!

Hey James, glad to see that your ammonia and nitrite have gone to 0. That 100% water change should cut down the nitrates quite a bit. I'll keep checking in to see your progress. Best of luck!
Well, the nitrates are still holding at 5. everything else is at 0 and PH is 8.2. Today is the 23rd. I think I will add the rock to my tank on the 25th or 26th.

This should be fine, right?
Sounds like a good plan! Don't forget to update with pics!
Congrats The white stuff is a type of tube worm
I would not do water changes in the rock curing tub as that will passably make the cycle take longer to happen just leave it for 6-8 weeks total and don't fidgit with it keep a heater and some light on it if you want to help it and a skimmer but no water changes till its done :)
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Well, Here are the before and after pics of the tank! I did the aquascaping tonight. I will do a 30 gallon water change on the tank in 2 days (Sunday).
Looks great! I really like the cave structure in the center.
Thanks guys! I look forward to getting some corals and a host for my clown fish. I need to wait until after the 28th. The bulbs for my VHO setup will not be here until then.

I hope all turns out well withyour tank after your unfortunate mystery leak.

Happy Holidays!