green bubble anenome

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Nov 7, 2006
Is it unusual for this anenome to always be under rock over hangs getting no light? I have a 90gal. with 4 96w PC. It seems to hide in a cave under the rocks and comes out a little when I feed the fish. I thought they needed lots of light?
How long have you had it? how long has the tank been set up? and what are your water parameters? They like very clean water, medium to high light and feed them every 3-4 days a piece of silverside and they will grow like crazy. How low in the tank is it also? You may need to try and move him higher int he tank to get enough light for it. I have mine about 8 inches below the water surface in my 75 gallon tank and have 440 watts of VHO lighting...
Here is apicture of mine I just took. Hope this helps..

The tank has only been set up for about 3 months, Amn = 0, Nit=0, Nitrate= is now around 5. But is why im puzzled he was in the open under the lights and it insist to crawl into the rocks were it doesn't get as much light. He definitely eats well when I give him Mysis shrimp.
I would give him a few days to settle in. Also, you need to get your nitrates down to 0 or as close as possible. Good Luck.
Mine hides too. Actually both halves do. When I went to pick mine up it just had a disaster and was split in half by two rocks (which he must have been on) seperated. This was not an even tear as one "half" was clearly bigger than the other and only the big half had the mouth section. They had also turned white. It's been over about 5 weeks now and both halves are still white, both have taken silversides twice, and both prefer to be tucked deep into a crevas or at the bottom of the tank. I think both halves are going to pull through, but wonder if they'll ever get their color back.
This looks more like a Bubble tipped Rose colored Anenome.

I loved the many articles on this website about many anenomes It helped me keep my sebay alive for 3 years now :)

As you may already know they stay put AFTER they find the right conditions.
Those would be proper flow/light/and a place to attach. If you have a place up phigh in your tank with those conditions and can take that rock you want it in out and dremmell/drill a 3/4" hole for its foot. It would probably like that.
You should move them very slowly and gently and try some cheap latex gloves on with rubberbands around the wrists to keep everthing safer :)
mine finds a spot under the rocks and leans out in to the light its a very actived anenome
also feeding silver side i would recomend as anenonmes dont eat meat in the wild they are pretty much herbevirous strange i know but true im not sure
they will eat it they eat heaps of stuff but would probley prefer hyalf a cube of marine green
this is not my opioin but realiable information that i have recived and simply passing on hopes this helps others
Also when they hide like that they are getting ready to split. Sealtagger, when they split, they never split even. 1 is always bigger than the other.
also feeding silver side i would recomend as anenonmes dont eat meat in the wild they are pretty much herbevirous strange i know but true im not sure

Each species of anemone eats different things. Some prefer shrimp, some prefer fish.....none of them are herbiverious. My H.magnifica prefers shrimp, carpet anemones are famous for being fish eaters. Steve-S doesnt even feed his anemones.....the fact that your anemone takes the food doesnt mean its herbiverious. There must be something in the food, (binder or mayber a mix of meaty food the anemone prefers in addition to the vegatable material) that the chemical receptors in the tentacle tips are reacting to and "telling" the anemone its food. I would strongly suggest not feeding the anemone vegetable material anymore.

Many studies suggest anemones are planktivores that get occasionally fed by food hopsting clown fish bring back to their safe the anemone. The clowns arent really feeding the anemone, they are bringing food to an area where no otehr fish can steal it from them...unfortunately for them, their host does.

BTA's splitting is usually a short process, from start to finish, usually less than 24 hours. However both sides may hide out for a few days until they repair themselves enough to get back into the swing of things.
