Green hair algea

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well everytime you change the water of your tank you can just save up a little bit in a wide bucket and then take out your rocks and tooth brush them or use something silimilar to brush the rocks.
It works wonders :) or at least it worked for me hehe
Hair Algae

Are you overfeeding? Maybe lack of skimming as well. Pull it off if you do not like it. maybe a toothbrush will help.
The hair algae should die off if there is nothing to feed it, but the reason why you may not be reading any nitrates or phosphates in the tank is because it may be bound up in the hair algae. You'll have to physically remove the hair algae (or get something to eat it ) to export any nitrates and phosphates that are bound up in it and see if it grows back afterwards. Just a thought:).
Test kits are not getting correct results. If phosphates and nitrates were truly at zero, they would have no food and the algae would not grow. Water changes, RO water, and phophate remover will clear it all up. Brushing the rocks as recommended, will speed up the matter a lot.
I would manually remove it. If you need help I will send Gaby over with a toothbrush.:D
Greg you obviously have a new tank with that type of algae growing. You need to manually remove the algae and cut your lighting way down until it is gone as well as add some critters to eat it.
When I had a hair algea bloom in my new tank I took out the rocks scrubbed them with a toothbrush and then dipped them in RODI. It got rid of the hair algea. It hasn't ever come back Also a product called SAT works wonders at gettin rid of algeas
Hi gsgirl, can you tell me a little of your problem and how SAT worked? I am interested in this product and trying to find out peoples experiences.

I had Red Cyno and green hair algea real bad whole 26 gallon tank filled with it. I used the SAT to help clear it up. I started with the 1oz per 10 gallons of H20 once a week til it was gone and now I am doing the maintenance it works great. I have also recently just started using it in my nano cube which has started to go through a green hair stage and it is working on that as well. I have found that you have to clean off the Green hair with a toothbrush and do fresh H20 dips with the rock to get rid of the green hair forever but the SAT is the bomb and it works wonders.
Yea what is SAT and is it safe for a reef tank? DDo you need to get it all out of the tank before adding corals?
i wouldnt brush if i where you, but thats only because i listend to someone who told me to brush it off.

ended up spreading bad.. but that was just because of the strain of algea, i had....

i would find out what you have, then attack it from there

or just do lots of water changes, and let it go away on its own
SAT is completely safe for reef tanks. It is truly called Marine SAT Biological clarifier for reef tanks and saltwater aquariums. I know it is safe for the reef because that is what I have. The only Coral that I have is an Organ pipe so I am not sure how it does with coral but I will ask my expert today. The bottle does say it is safe for all desirable marin animal and plant species. It is 100% Live Bacteria. There are no chemicals and it does not have to be put in the fridge. I am not sayin this is the miracle cure I want to make it understood that you have to do your water changes and water checks as well water maintenance is the #1 thing in keeping your tank healthy.

I will explain why I got Cyno in the first place and green hair. My heater malfunctioned in my well established 1yo reef tank the tank got up to 112 degrees it killed everything except a few hermits a star fish and fortunatly my paired clowns. It even killed the bacteria in my live rock and my live sand. So I started getting really bad cyno and hair algea do to the fact that the Good Bacteria had been killed off in my tank I was discouraged because we had already started this tank over once before from making begginner mistakes and not doing proper water changes with proper water. So I went to the LFS and asked them to help they checked my water everything was perfect. I said well when the heater malfunctioned could it have killed my good bacteria and he said oh yes it killed all of your bugs and everything good. So they suggested SAT and within 2 weeks of treatment my tank was clear as a bell. I have no problems since then and my tank is crawling with healthy bacteria and bugs. Any more questions please feel free to ask.
Sorry this is so long :D :p
Green hair algae is tough. The nitrates and phosphates certainly contribute. I'd also check your alkalinity. I'd bet it's low.
i had green hair algae on about half my rocks took them out put them in a bucket for 4 days no light with just an air bubbler took them out scrubed them then put them back in dark bucket of water for another 5 days and havent had any problems
i have a green brush type algea i think its a type of calupra its kinda spreading but my tang likes it and my lps opens and covers it anyway
best of luck, hair algae made me cry and thought of packn it in but i won the battle
The problem with algae in general is that feeedings must occur with fish , so hence you get algae from excess being in the tank. The way to cure this is have something in the system that competes with algae for the food, Hence Fuge. A fuge stocked with Cheato or other strains, will out bid the algae for food and hence starve the algae out of exsistance.

No need to scrub or dip. A properly layed out Fuge will prevent allot of problems in the future. Since adopting the fuge about 5 years ago, I have never had a algae bloom that lasted long, and in some cases never even occured.




this was the green bush... its no moss
I had green hair right when my tank was almost done cycling. I added snails and red legged hermits and they cleaned up a good portion of it. I knew that eventually it would go away as the tank matured and water aged. It went away except for the sea swirls where niether the snails or the crabs could get to it. I bought a Yellow tang and he clean it up over night. I mean I woke up the next day and all of it was gone!