green star polyp question

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Mar 25, 2006
Saint Cloud, Fl
I have a fairly new tank. About a month and a half old. i purchased a rock with green star polyps at the local pet store. It looked great and very full. I got it home and notice when looking in the bag that all the polyps retreated into the rock. It has been about 5 hours and they are still in hiding. Is this normal. my water is perfect and my brown button polyps (which closed for about a half hour when first introduced) are wide open. Is this normal? Are they just getting use to there new environment?
I think they're just getting used to your tank dood.
and it's been only 5 hours so no worries unless it's been 3 weeks or something like that .
I agree...Just give them time to adjust first before you start to panic. I hope they come around for you soon:)
Mine close up when the lights go out and open after the lights come back on. If a shrimp bothers it they will close up for a while.
Yeah man. Just be easy with them. They are very very hard keep from opening. I have started breaking off branches of torch coral and sticking them in the rock around the GSPs just to kill the dang things. Just wont die.
Yeah man. Just be easy with them. They are very very hard keep from opening. I have started breaking off branches of torch coral and sticking them in the rock around the GSPs just to kill the dang things. Just wont die.

WHAT !!! dood don't do that with the poor torch.... send it my way dood :D !! .

hehe so i take it as tonight you'll be passing to the 4000 :D .
Just a quick thought, I had some GSP and it got overgrown by hair algae. They thinned out on the rock and didn't open for a long time so I thought they were toast. Well, I scrubbed the rock of the algae one day and a few days later 3 or 4 polyps opened and then more. Now they have spread in only a month. GSP can't be killed very easily. It takes real effort :) lol. Don't worry about them not opening in 5 hrs. If your tank is good like you say, they should open up in a day or 2.
Coral can be real goofy at times, I have a leather that took over a month to open up. I almost threw it away several times. Now it is one of the fastest growers in my tank.
Rock on Mike. One thing I have noticed about them, is when faced with a vertical surface they climb up it in sheets, and then seem to lobe out. It helps to keep them under control, somewhat.