Green Star Polyps disease??

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BAM! BAM! Goes the blenny
Jan 26, 2005
Centralia WA
Can they get a disease?
I posted this post in the GENERAL section..I should have posted it here..but dont know how to move it...
I need advice..they are not doing well AT all...There is a brownish film over them..and they are dying..
I think it may be cyno..just the kind that doesnt look all snotty like..but just a covering..its some on the rock near by too..
I put a power head with not a LOT of flow so its not direct..right above them..anything else I can do?

follow the link..there are some pics..from what I can take..

THanks lots.

I was reading another post about the star polyps here...and mentioned a nudi branch eating them or something...NOW..I just thought of this..I have noticed ALOT of bristleworms on that rock with them...could THEY be doing it?? OR those little white star fish?
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they are actually prone to many diseases (typical for a species that grows so fast)

They are also prone to neglect... if they don't have brutally heavy water flow... detritus settles and invites all sorts of infections...

and, if you do not actively prune them... they overgrow their own tissue and suffer infections