Green star polyps?

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Jan 22, 2009
Bradenton, Fl
I got a rock about a year ago with 50+ polyps and i was new to reefing and had a 30g with a maxijet 900 as flow only. They did great never looked better. Since i upgraded to my 75g with tons of flow and higher lighting they look horrible and are starting to die off. My water is good ph8.2, sg 1.026, nitrate 0, phosphate .2ppm, calcium 450, alk 9dkh. I believe its the flow they dont like. I have tried moving them all around and can't seem to find anywhere that has any dead spots which is normally a good thing. However im not sure what to do. Any ideas? Maybe its not flow, it could be the stronger lighting but i acclimated everything to the lighting pretty well over two weeks time. Il post a picture of them tomorrow.
I got a rock about a year ago with 50+ polyps and i was new to reefing and had a 30g with a maxijet 900 as flow only. They did great never looked better. Since i upgraded to my 75g with tons of flow and higher lighting they look horrible and are starting to die off. My water is good ph8.2, sg 1.026, nitrate 0, phosphate .2ppm, calcium 450, alk 9dkh. I believe its the flow they dont like. I have tried moving them all around and can't seem to find anywhere that has any dead spots which is normally a good thing. However im not sure what to do. Any ideas? Maybe its not flow, it could be the stronger lighting but i acclimated everything to the lighting pretty well over two weeks time. Il post a picture of them tomorrow.

I seriously doubt it's flow or light. I have tons of GSP under heavy flow and very strong light and they are LOVING it. I would look to another factor IMHO.
Hmm well what could it possibly be, they are not near anything that could bother it, water parameters are good any ideas
o ok cool i hope so because so far i have done so much reading today my head hurts :( and i cannot come up with a solution.