Hello All, I have a question

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Well-known member
May 7, 2006
Northeast Pa.
I want to increase the water movement in my tank and by removing the Sqwd, This will increase the flow from the mag 1200 because the sqwd cuts flow almost in half and I would aim the outlets to the middle of the tank to create turbulence or a second option is keep the SQWD and make a second closed loop ( with a mag 950 I have laying around ) with constant flow bouncing the flow off the glass to create more turbulence. I also want to remove one of the Emperor 400's because after a filter change I dont see a need for two filters.After reading about flow in a home aquarium around the net, it seems a turbulent flow is more important than a wave motion. What does everyone think. I think this would also help with the dead spots in my tank... by the way this is a 75 gal reef with a 106 lbs of live rock and a few soft corals.
Welcome to RF "Reefbound"! Is the mag1200 on the sqwd the only flow you have now in your 75gal? Knowing that would really help determine what direction you need to go. Nevertheless, in a nut shell, you do want really good random flow in there. I've noticed that when you have 2 or more different sources of flow colliding in the tank, it creates really great random/turbulent flow. A member here (Sherman) gave me the idea to try with 2 of my Tunzes and I haven't moved them since! They are both on either ends of the tank, both pointed in the center of the front glass. IMO, the Sqwd, although it will give you random flow, I'd personally rather have the full flow produced by the Mag12 than to lose half of it through the Scwd. Just a thought...Hope you enjoy it here and you get all sorted out:)
Reefbound said:
After reading about flow in a home aquarium around the net, it seems a turbulent flow is more important than a wave motion. What does everyone think.

Its actualy determined by what you have. My GSP hate turbulant flow but love the wavey flow.
My acros love the high volume flow.
I guess I would have to ask.. what do you have?
krish75 said:
Welcome to RF "Reefbound"! Is the mag1200 on the sqwd the only flow you have now in your 75gal? Knowing that would really help determine what direction you need to go.

Thanks for the welcome Krish75. If you dont count the two Emporer 400 filters as flow then yes the Mag 1200 is the only flow in the tank.
When I set this up in September 05 I had a small budget and the SQWD was a least expensive alternative to create random movement,but now Im not sure it was the best way. I think now with one pump,It would create more turbulance.

twilliard said:
Its actualy determined by what you have. My GSP hate turbulant flow but love the wavey flow.
My acros love the high volume flow.
I guess I would have to ask.. what do you have?

Thanks for the reply twilliard. Well how about I give a complete list of whats in my little piece of the ocean.

Tank info:
75 gallon E tank
two Emporer 400's
Coralife superskimmer 65 model (HOB)
CPR HOB refuge (small)w/18 watt orbit light and 3 macros
Nova Extreme T5 8x54 lighting (New two days old)
SQWD wavemaker w/ Magdrive 1200

Sixline wrasse
Blue Mandarin (eats pellet food)
Ocallaris clown
Flame angel
Royal Gramma
Skunk shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
8 Emerald crabs
Snails and Hermits
Green BTA
Devils hand, brown shrooms
Pink frogspawn
Red/green open brain
Yellow and Green polyps
A cool looking orange and grey striped Red Goblet brain
and two colors of Candycane corals.

106 lbs of liverock and 40 lbs aragonite in main
5 lbs lr and sand in fuge
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A Mag12 and a Mag9.5 in a 75 may add heat.....I'm not sure if you thought about that...

I haven't tried both combos in one, but it could be....and it may not.

If there's no head addition, then no reason to not add another loop.

Might be over your budget, but you might look at an oceans motions squirt. $150 shipped.

MCary said:
Might be over your budget, but you might look at an oceans motions squirt. $150 shipped.


I already have both in the basement. I just want the most flow using the least amout of equipment. I wondering if by removing the SQWD wavemaker will the mag 1200 do it by splitting the flow and pointing it at each other or even start in the middle and point the flow to the sides of the the tank to create the turbulance. I would like to figure somthing out without spending more for pumps. hmmm anyone in the market for two pumps?... :lol: