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Mar 19, 2008
Hey All,

Ran into a BCT182 today, long story short I was looking for a great place to get some info and what not on starting up a tank so here I am. Just looking for a little feed back and maybe a few answers to some basic question I could probably find if I looked, so no biggy. But would defiantly love some feed back on tank setup.

A sizable post just so ya know =)

So Looking at starting a 55gal tank. A few people have recommended a little bit bigger but my main concern is I know not too many apartments like you to push much past 55gal just because of the weight. If I was sure to have a bottom floor I would go bigger (FYI im moving in a few months main reason im unsure). The recommendation was for just a little bigger so I didn’t have to worry about falling rock damaging the tank.

Going to do a live sand setup... Just making sure I got this right inch of space of water using a baffle of sorts then 2inches of one type of sand a screen and 2more inches right? The reason I want this is because I think im going to try for a sandier open reef look, not so much live rock. Basically a wall on one side with some small chunks and then a small cove on the other side.

Which leads me to my next question. Making live rock? I found this link.


So I have read it over and looked around and done some more reading. A couple questions here. First has anyone actually made their own rock before/ do you like how it turned out? Second so I kind of grasp the reasoning for the salt so that it dissolves out and allows growth in side, same principal as live sand filter(hope that’s the right name)| is it worth the trouble?

I realize that it takes time to develop regular rock into live rock, but I have time since I don’t really want to get it all setup till after I move. So I have time to kind of play around with it. Anyone had any luck with this/ any tips?

Let’s see, I have a million and one questions but ill stop at this last one for the time being. Lighting? The all important question of lighting. So Basically I would like I said im not looking for a heavy coral growth by any means... at some point maybe but not at first. Coral wise some soft would be more then enough. Obviously a few fish... have a list but haven’t quite nailed it down... but I know I would like to have a clown or a mated pair with an anemone. So im just wondering what I am actually looking at in the way of lighting. Just throwing this out their but has anyone done anything with led? The only reason I ask is because of the savings in bulb changes and electricity bill. Just looking for opinions so don’t hold back.

Well thnx for your time hope to hear some good things =) and ill see if maybe I can answer some of my own questions by browsing around your forums a bit.

Glad to see your online Tyler. Making LR is nothing I have ever tired. Im not sure anyone around here has. The only thing I think I have heard is the rock leaches silicates. Which causes some brown algae growth. Not too sure though.
mmkeeper Thanks for the link some good info on their about live rock. The reason I was asking about this link was they talk about using a large granule salt. To I guess make it porous and allow the algae and what not actually grow inside of it. My main concern with it would be if the salt would actually completely dissolve out of the stone. But I guess there is only one way to find out =P project time!

Ill keep some details and maybe some photos too and see what i come up with. mabe some weights too. If its any good ill post it up, other wise ill hide in shame =)
I was actually contemplating the same thoughts you have on the forums before I started my 55 gallon. If you have the patience to to culture and cure the rocks....go for it. I dont^^

I already have set up my tank its got roughly 2-3 inch sand bed .... its going to take about 40-50 pounds of sand. I forgot what I bought ...I believe 50 lbs. (Near Puyallup Wildside Pets on Canyon and 512 has sand)

You can go 50/50 ...regular sand (cheap) and then live sand to seed the regular sand. To save some cash.

What type of filtration are you going with (Sump/Refuge setup?)... I went with two canisters myself....

The lighting...well the rule of thumb is just a guideline....watts per gallon... check the lighting section of the forums...

personally if you want to get LPS SPS corals.... have atleast 300watts for that tank..

If you can do electrical...it would be a cheaper route to get ballisters, tombstones, and wires and setup your own if you are handy with that...abs or plexi and also using CPU fans for cooling..thats a whole Mcgyver Do it yourself thing I almost did...

If you plan on buying.... Tacoma Tropical Fish and Pet on Pac ave and 32nd street corner....he can order stuff through his business and cutt cost to...

Ive found Odysea 46" hoods 700+ watts and the 36" one I bought which is 443 watts...at Midway Tropical Fish in Desmoines Kentish area .... Google them easy to find.

the odysea 36" hood only cost me 330 bucks through them. and 443 watts for that price...thank god.... The top end name brand stuff was double the cost for that amount of lighting.

anyway....good luck..

PS .... About power costs.... I am through Tacoma Power (price gouging aholes) you are through Puget Sound power right? You are with the best power cost group....

I asked TP about 10 hour a day for a month ...they say i will only see a 10-15 dollar increase in my bill.
thats 443 w lighting 1 medal halide with two long compact flourecents.
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warforged Thanks for the info. One of my big concerns is how much this will all cost, not so worried about the start up stuff, I have some extra money right now =) but like all living things they cost money I just don’t want to setup a nice tank and then have to get rid of it because I cant afford it.

Did a little more research and I think I am actually going to use the solid type of made rock. Adding salt into the mix just doesn’t seem, like it will all dissolve out. Kind of afraid that the salt won’t make it truly porous. I mean the top layers sure but my guess the practicality that all the salt crystals are going to line up doesn’t sound fesible to me.

Filter wise... I think I am going to do just a simple sump so that I can keep the back of my tank clean, I can be a neat freak when it comes to wires and tubes and what not loll. I have found some nice plans for protein skimmers. Yes I like building and making my own stuff that is probably why ill do my own lighting, depending on what kind of hood I get for my tank.
I made my own live rock rock about 5 years ago. To me it wasn't worth the time i had to put into it. The long part is the curing. It took me about 5 months to get the rock totally cured properly. I had to put the rock in a vat of freshwater and change all the water daily until the pH reached acceptable levels. I was happy with the way it looked, but it was a little heavy for my taste so i chucked it many years ago and just purchased LR instead.
Haha i read his welcome... and went a dur how long ago did i post this... but still thank you