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Active member
Apr 2, 2011
Fairchild AFB
My name is Bob and I have been reefing for about a year and a half now. I love it and have learned that its very addictive! Spent alot of money but its ok because my wife enjoys it too. If she only knew exactly how much I've spent, that might be a different story. Haha! I'm from West Virginia but I'm stationed at Fairchild. I have a 56 and a 75 gallon tanks and am working on a 125! I hand built the stand and am working on cleaning up the scratches off the acrylic. (so much work!) It will be worth it for sure though!!!

Sounds interesting!! We will have to see some pics!! :)

Welcome to RF!! :welcome:

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Welcome to RF. Glad to have you. Yes I know what you mean by addictive...and thats an understatement! ;)