Welcome!! :welcome: Glad to have you here all the way from Greece!!! Tell us a bit more about your plans as in do you already have a tank or really just in the planning stages??
Welcome to RF. Looking forward to hearing more. Do you have a tank set up already? What size. What do you have or plan on getting for livestock? And when your able to post pics, we will all look forward to that too
Hi thank you all for your kind words. I am the owner of an 32 gal aquarium Back Sump 1200 gal/hour flow rate (Boyu Tl - 550) The aquarium is working about six months now with 2 amphlion occearlis , 1 (5cm) Blue tang , 5 mushrooms and some heads of pulsing Xenia. I will upload some fotos also.. Thanks again ( I am sorry for my english i will try my best to not make mistakes )
Howdy gkampanis! Welcome to RF.
I just returned from Greece, I didn't make it quite that far north though.
Post some pictures and tell us about reefkeeping in Greece!
I did go into a fish store in Athens, very cool. It was a mom and pop sort of store, they were pretty well stocked and really nice people.
As to your English, I promise it is much better than my Greek!!
Welcome to Reef Frontiers. Look forward to seeing pictures of your reef tank set up. And as others have mentioned, Greece is such a wonderfully beautiful place.