NT Coral Keeper
Hello! I was happy to find a relatively local club, as I wasn't sure what interest level there would be in WW. I have been keeping nano tanks for about 5 years (started with a 14 gal and moved up to a whopping 29!). It's all pretty stable and low-profile at the moment, with a mix of SPS, LPS, and zoos. We are moving to the countryside near WW this fall. I dread moving my tank, as I am pretty attached to everything in it, and I fear for my larger corals. Sigh. But, I am taking the opportunity to upgrade to something in the 75-100 gal range. Thus, my biggest question...are there any LFS that specialize in salt water? Any hints about where to find the healthiest livestock, special orders, etc?
Sorry for the novel!
Thanks everyone,
Sorry for the novel!
Thanks everyone,