
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Nov 4, 2012
Hey guys! I have kept freshwater aquariums basically my whole life, and over the past few years I've ditched the freshwater and gone for reef tanks! I currently have three aquariums set-up at the moment: 150 Gallon Fish Only Acrylic Peninsula tank, 160 gallon acrylic "frag tank" mixed reef, and a 12 gallon Fluval Edge with Softies. All of my tanks have been set-up from previous mature systems, save for the edge, but they have only been in their new tanks for a couple months. Always interested in meeting new people in the Seattle area to swap frags with!!!!
Well, welcome to Reef Frontiers. There are a lot of poeple in the Seattle area. A couple sponsors in the area are having sales this weekend too. We do have a classified section, but you need to meet the membership time requirment before you will be able to get into it. Its only a month I believe.
Anyway, we look forward to seeing pics of your tanks. Again welcome.
Like I said earlier welcome to reef frontiers! Easily the friendliest reef forum I've seen:)
Thanks everyone! I am in the process of setting up my apex on the big reef, and cleaning up the garage AKA fish-room LMAO.......It's a disaster area at the moment, otherwise I would already have some pics up! I have to say, this forum is absolutely amazing! The one thing that I hate about most of these forums is that everyone is so quick to put people down and tell them they are stupid. That's not cool at all, and from cruising all the threads here I haven't seen it happen once :) Super excited to get my tank threads going on here!
The one thing that I hate about most of these forums is that everyone is so quick to put people down and tell them they are stupid. That's not cool at all, and from cruising all the threads here I haven't seen it happen once :)

Give it time...HAHAHA....just kidding.

We are all in this to help and have fun. We all love this hobby and love sharing it.
Be right back...Restarting iPhone and updating software because pics of tanks aren't showing up :confused:


Welcome to RF!! Hope you enjoy the site and yea...We live pics! :welcome:

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I've signed up a while back and still not able to use classifieds ... (don't have an option to post) :(

Unfortunately you have to meet a 30 day/ 50 post criteria first in order to see the classifieds tab if that is still in place since the upgrades. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
oh, and about the pics... it doesn't let me upload a picture larger than 19.5 kb.... even a JPEG file is bigger than that.

what is the trick?
Post more. The rf admin put a minimum post/date in place to weed out the spammers. Theres alot of threads you can post to. Ask any questions etc etc. Do you have any experiences you could share or maybe pointers or something you have learned on the way?