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It looks really nice except the cyano. There are a lot of folks here who may be able to help with that. Do you run a protein skimmer on the system? That can help by decreasing the food that feeds it. I like that toadstool and bubble coral. I have a bubble coral also placed high in my tank.
It looks really nice except the cyano. There are a lot of folks here who may be able to help with that. Do you run a protein skimmer on the system? That can help by decreasing the food that feeds it. I like that toadstool and bubble coral. I have a bubble coral also placed high in my tank.

Thanks vlangel! I do have Biocube skimmer, but seems doesn't work. :)
I'm a fan of hammers too and yours seems to be flourishing! I have a purple tipped hammer but its struggling. Maybe I need to move it and see if that helps. I think it might be warring with a big sinularia right below it.
Wow, I can't believe the toadstool! I almost didn't even see it in the photo you took a year ago. I had a devil's hand leather that grew fast like that. I sold the mother coral and am now raising one of the babies that it self fragged. My 36 gallon tank has only been up since December and most of my corals came from the 90 gallon I used to have. I added a few more so now the tank is impressively full looking. That's good and bad. Good because its showy but bad because there isn't a lot more room for anything else.