Help! Banded shrimp eating all my fish..can't catch him!

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Sep 29, 2011

we have a banded shrimp in our 30 gallon reef..he is eating all of our fish and no matter how i try i cannot catch him...i have alot of rock and coral in there and he just hides..

any suggestions, advice, anyone who wants to come catch him and keep him...i will take anything right about now...

If you can not catch an unwanted predator, can always make a spear gun out of a wooden dowel, sewing needle and a rubber band. Be that as it may, I have always found that a fish trap made out of a 2 liter soda bottle that is loaded with some cocktail shrimp will always catch a shrimp.
would that work in a 30 gallon? a smaller pop bottle? will he not be able to get out once in? sorry for so many ?s... just losing alot of fish!
a 1 liter bottle would work, and you can cut it shorter.

Water Bottle Fish Trap - Forums


I like to either weight the bottle down with a rock or use a pair of magnets to hold it to the front of the tank
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okay..i will try that now...this might sound stupid..but if that doesnt there anywhere or any shop that i can call and someone will come help? we dont usually buy from petco..and that is who sold us the shrimp along with the damsels he is now eating and they did not think to inform me of any potential probs and i foolishly bought him without researching first..daughter loved him but anyways...are there any options for people getting him out?
They are usually ok. I love coral banded shrimp, but you can occassionally get one that is a bit agro.

I'm sure petco won't help, but if you went to a salt water/coral store they probably have some services. I am pretty sure you will be able to catch him though. Either with a trap container, or some sort of bait.

Could also try tying a piece of shrimp to a string and dangling it in front of him. He will probably grab and hold on, then you can scoop him up into a net or something. They are pretty greedy.

If he seems to be wise to what you are doing, put a trap in and sit and wait him out. Eventually I think he will not be able to resist. Just sit still and be patient. Good luck