HELP - Bug ID please?

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Okay at the risk of additional ridicule... I found another earwig. This one alive an in my sump tower when I started cleaning my filter pads. This means he most probably came from the overflow from my tank.
Mark you may also want to try like a piece of rock fish fillet or another type of fish chunk in the trap since,
what ever is in your tank may already know what that taste of smells like and will go for it

I tryed this and caught a mantis in my tank with a chunk of rock fish after it got 2 green chromis.

Just giving you some idea's I would try shrimp tonight though


Maybe I miss something, but what does thefilterguys have to do with earwigs or insects?? :cool:
Wrong one... that was supost to go in the ro water one... OPPS

good people tho... maybe they know somethin about you nasty looking bug


(RO system question) was the one

Do you have any idea how it got in your tank?

Well I am guessing it may have dropped into the tank through the top of the canopy where I have four circular cutouts for two icecap fans and two vents. If they drop in there and float they should go into the overflow like the second one I found or sink and somehow find the trap before succumbing to saltwater as the first one did. Funny that I have not seen any others in the house ever.

I do have a bunch of holes for the plumbing going through the floor into the crawlspace but I don't see how the bugs could get into the into tank or overflow. If they were in the sump that would make more sense.