Help... Corcea disappeared overnight

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2007
I'm wondering if anyone knows what would cause a 6 inch corcea to disappear overnight. I didn't see it happen since I'm currently in Hawaii, but my buddy who is watching the tank said one day it was there and the next it was cleaned out. So I'm worried about my remaining corcea. Here is a list of what I have in the tank:

Blue tang
Green chromis
yellow tail damsel
mandarin dragonette
MGS clownfish
Banded coral shrimp
peppermint shrimp
standard cleaner crew
at least one bristle worm
tiger striped nasarious snail
Various SPS and LPS

Does any one what might be able to eat a whole mid sized clam so fast... and help would be greatly appreciated!


Where did you get these clams? If the answer is Qt(= needs QT)
thats the reason ,right?

Where did you get these clams? If the answer is Qt(= needs QT)
thats the reason ,right?


I'm going to disagree with this one. I have 4 clams from them and they are as healthy as can be.:) For a clam to disapear like that overnight it was most likely eaten by something in your tank.
Where did you get these clams? If the answer is Qt(= needs QT)
thats the reason ,right?


Yes... I got this one about a year ago from QTs, but since I've had it for so long I'm doubt the source has anything to do with it. The other clam was a rescue and I've had it for 8 months. I know something must have preyed on it, but what could devour a clam like that so fast has me confused. On a side note I only shop there now for the deals on IO salt and dry goods.

Oh and Rob... on a side, side note I was in Sharks Cove last week and it's a totally different experience when there is no swell. I saw some great corals and tons of amazing fish. Way better than Hanauma Bay. I might make it back there again this weekend and I'll bring a underwater camera for some pics. Oh and the tide pools in Makapu are like swimming in a reef tank.
I think it died or was dying and was eaten by the cleaners in your tank afterwards. This is quite common (as in I've read about this happening quite a few times).
Oh and Rob... on a side, side note I was in Sharks Cove last week and it's a totally different experience when there is no swell. I saw some great corals and tons of amazing fish. Way better than Hanauma Bay. I might make it back there again this weekend and I'll bring a underwater camera for some pics. Oh and the tide pools in Makapu are like swimming in a reef tank.[/QUOTE]

this is good to know we are leaving to go there in just a couple me with any other must see's we are also going to maui and kaui:) sorry to hijack:D
I think it died or was dying and was eaten by the cleaners in your tank afterwards. This is quite common (as in I've read about this happening quite a few times).

I think this might be the case... you know those "feelings" you get right before you leave town for vacation? Well I had feeling my clam was not doing well even though it seemed fine. And I'm glad the clam was consumed so quickly as to not throw off my tank. Thanks Jan!
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SB Shark Cove is the bomb!

Sorry to hear about the clam .

DD i'm glad you save him clams out of the 600 that he gets in majority of them are dead or pinched, maybe you were there on the day he got them in and you picked some good ones?:)

SB Shark Cove is the bomb!

Sorry to hear about the clam .

DD i'm glad you save him clams out of the 600 that he gets in majority of them are dead or pinched, maybe you were there on the day he got them in and you picked some good ones?:)


Perhaps... but this was before they started to get in huge shipments of clams. Anyways, I'll be looking for another clam when I get home which is always fun! I'll swing by later this month.