Help ID please. Baby Anemone?

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Oct 24, 2010
Olympia, Washington, United States
So I found something that I was afraid was a group of eggs but in looking at it today in clear water, it looks to me to be a baby anemone. It's a very pretty bright pink with clear tenticles that have white balls on the end. If you touch it, it closes up into a pink ball. Here's the best two photos I could grab of it. When it's fully open, the white balls hang much further from the base than what is pictured. Any help in ID'ing it would be apprecated.



Also - have about 5 of these little green guys on our largest LR. They close up when touched and are semi-firm, not soft like what I think to be the anemone.



Thanks much! :D
Hey, my guess is as follows:

1st pics seem to be some type of Corallimorph possibly in the Genus Corynactis "Strawberry Anemone" interesting hitch-hiker worth keeping around

2nd pics Mojano anemone ??? hard to tell with the pics a bit on the fuzzy side, if it is a Mojano act quickly to remove before they take hold.

is there some sort of live stock we can add to the tank to get the baddies? or do we need to go in and kill / pull them off?

lemon juice and some forcepts??
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Hey, my guess is as follows:

1st pics seem to be some type of Corallimorph possibly in the Genus Corynactis "Strawberry Anemone" interesting hitch-hiker worth keeping around

2nd pics Mojano anemone ??? hard to tell with the pics a bit on the fuzzy side, if it is a Mojano act quickly to remove before they take hold.



if it is a majano, they can be removed buy stick a tip of a knife under the foot and lifted off. Taking care not to cut into it.

if it is a majano, they can be removed buy stick a tip of a knife under the foot and lifted off. Taking care not to cut into it.

I'll 3rd it on the majano... It was the very first thing that came to mind when I saw it. I'd remove it/them to be safe as you don't want them spreading in your tank. On the first anemone, I have no idea. :)
I heard that some people actually use those in their sumps??? Since they are filter feeders I guess...then again some people keep aiptasia in their sump :lol:
So assuming this is a strawberry anemone.. should I feed it?? :confused:

We have these same guys in our tank (minus the second guy, which I also agree is majano). We don't feed them, they seem to get what they need on their own. They do multiply a bit, but not as rapidly as pests. Ours have stayed on the same rock and have gone from one to seven over the course of 7 months. They never get bigger than the size of a dime.
I have two strawberries, one is about hte size of a quarter and it's tentacles reach out about an inch at night. The other is about the size of an eraser on a pencil. My understanding is once they get that big they can take down little fish (hectors goby, etc).