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Hey Brian. Thanks for picking up my fish!!

Nice corals, too!

Is there a way you can take photos of my spawning Bicinctus clowns :p
I'll pick them up this week.

Here you go, a few pictures of the Godzilla Clowns (tm). I'm holding these clowns for Elmo in my QT, aka Slickdonkey's Clownfish Spa and Resort. They are the biggest damn clownfish I have ever seen. They are almost as big as my hand. Check out the picture below, that's a Maxijet 1200 to give you an idea of the size of these babies.

The female has interesting coloring. That's not a trick of the camera, her stripes really do have a bluish tint to them. This is under 10K lights.

They are not spawning in my QT. Maybe I should try playing some 70's music?

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mojo use to use barry white I think for his anenomes try it for the clowns!
Beautiful tank and really an art work. One question: What do you have in your QT?

Which one? :lol: Thanks for the kind words. It's been a long road and am still learning, but right now I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Stop by next time you're in the neighborhood and I'll give you the tour. Anyway I currently have three QT's set up: a 29 gallon and two 10 gallons. I'd like to move them under the house as well to free up space in my garage.

The 29 gallon had the monster clownfish in it until a few days ago, but now only has a fire shrimp and some snails since they've been delivered to their final LOVE NEST, where Elmo18 is breeding them in his clownfish factory. You could PM him if you want to know more, or maybe he'll post here. He was thinking they are bicinctus clowns. Very neat fish, almost wish I could have kept them :)

As for the other QT's, I have a jawfish who wouldn't eat and ich-ridden butterflies. Fortunately all are doing much better now.:cool: It seems there is no shortage of problems in this hobby; seems like every other fish I own has a thread on it around here somewhere :lol:

How much do you charge for rent? :D Big Fishes man!

You know I was joking the other day it would have been funny to prepare an invoice. You know, I could itemize emergency transport, lodging, labor for water changes, WA state hotel tax.... :lol: Well he gave me some brine shrimp and a baby oscellaris so I guess we'll just call it good.