help me get rid of fleas :p

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
Ok doods and doodettes
i'm clueless on what to do, i'm having a huge issue with fleas, i don't have a dog or cat or whatever :p , the last owners had who knows how many dogs but if you go down my basement, it smells like wet dog (it makes you wanna puke):doubt: :p .
I'm starting to look like a dog scratching all over, my husband didn't believe me until he got 5 bites LOL !! :D.
what should we use on our bed :lol: :D ? do you guys think lysol will do it?
this scratching is killing me !!! :doubt:
Can you can Terminex? I am not sure if they kill fleas but it is worth a try if it is as bad as you say.

hmm i'll give it a try and yes it's bad, i got at least 15 bites... trust me i scratch more than a dog LOL !!!
by the way do you think it's kid friendly because with the baby and my 3 year old i dont' want them to be smelling anything funny :p
Do a search on boric acid/borax. It supposed to be a natural pesticide. Safer than table salt.

I tried it and it works. You're supposed to pour it and brush it into your carpet. Then wait a week and vacuum it out.

If you don't have carpeting, then you pour the boric acid all along the edge of the floor where the floor and the wall meet.
yeah we have carpeting in our bedroom .
what about the bed? should we put some on it too? :p .

by the way i like your psas signature :D, so far i see Colleen, Josh, MArk, Scott and that's as good as your light blue allows me :p
Boil everything in your house and put it in quarentine for 6 months with hypo treatment:p I have no idea...But don't scratch too much Gabbs:D
Never dealt with fleas myself but I am going to recommend you take a bath.:D
I would go on vacation for 2 days and have the place fogged.

You could try Fleabusters, not sure if they are still around, but they have an year guarantee or they will come back and re-apply the powder.

Basically, they use a really fine powder that gets in between the joints of the adult fleas and immoblize them. Although the powder does nothing to the eggs themselvs, the larvae will eat the powder ( they eat dust prior to becoming adults ) which will clog their digestive system and kill them.

They stated the powder is less harmful than salt in similar doses, but for really bad areas, they may use pyrex, which is not so safe.

If you want an organic solution, you can try this;

The fleas can come in with animals or even when people are out and gardening in their yard. They flourish in areas that are damp and moist, and only can live in carpetted areas indoors.
I think flea busters used that same substance AL G mentioned. But yeah, you have to vacuum it out after wards, and a large fan helps to keep the excess dust from settling on everything.

Make sure to try and get every single square inch that is carpetted, or they may come back.

Also apply the powder to under the couch cushions and in between the seams.
Best thing is go to yellow pages and call a place like Terminex. All the other advice is good, but I would be more worried about Guarantees. I figure 2 spraying in 30 days should take care of it. Especially with a baby any thing bought or made I would be worried about.
I was going to say that Ron but thought I would behave. If it is crabs I would do the same thing....
I would go on vacation for 2 days and have the place fogged.
:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
Thank you doods :), the husband is gonna call Terminex Monday coming up :D .

ROFL!!!!! are you sure it's not CRABS??????????????????

LMBO!!! no dood.... but i thought about it at first LOL!!!!

I was going to say that Ron but thought I would behave

you??? behave ??? LMBO!!! please dood don't make me choke :D
Gaby if you wash and dry your bedding it will kill the fleas and eggs. Then use the borax that was already recommended or any good flea powder. Buy a flea collar and cut it up and vacuum up a few pieces of it. That way any larvae or eggs you vacuum up won't just hatch out and reinfest the house ;). There are commercial flea powders you can sprinkle, also. Be careful with sprays and exterminating companies and the fish tank, but hopefully you should be able to get them wiped out in a week or two!

Thank you Barbie :), today the husband is gonna call the people and ask about what they do , how much they charge and stuff.
IF it requires for us to be sleeping in another place then we might not do it and just buy the fle powder and do it ourselves :p.... which i'd be glad because Olivia got bite :mad: :eek: