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one larg lps
Dec 20, 2005
spokane w.a
SO my tank has been doing good really good..Well this morning I woke to see a hole head on my Hammer is GONE! CLean white skelo..It had a cloudy slime on it if u look AT it right?Input please..DId a 5 gal water change other day ..BUt i let it warm and did exact salinity hmmm wierd I am lost and I fed cycloease as well other day..DOes anyone think it may be coral war fare it is close to a frilly hairy which is winning to the zoo's next to it as well..Hope the knowledged will chime in soon!
Yeah sounds like RTN. Our hammer coral and frogspawn did that last week. Aaarrgghh. But ours was due to a temp drop. SOMEBODY forgot to plug the heater back in after water change. the temp went from 78-79 to 72. It was unplugged for a couple hours before we noticed. the next day 1 head of the frogspawn started sliming up, then polyps floated away, and by the next morning she was gone. then the hammer coral that was next to it went too, really quick.
And since yours happened so quick like that def sounds like RTN.
It sucks. Sorry.
Rapid Tissue ?????????loss?Wonder what caused it ?I hope the switch to instant ocean wasnt a bad move i will be peeved!
im using instant ocean and my frogspawn and or hammer is doin ok..i have my 24gal(with halides) in my bedroom and i have it in my bedroom and i dont use heater,,at daytime my temp ranges 78-81 then at night it drops to 76..still my corals so far are temperature has been like that eversince i switch to halide..
Yeah sounds like RTN. Our hammer coral and frogspawn did that last week. Aaarrgghh. But ours was due to a temp drop. SOMEBODY forgot to plug the heater back in after water change. the temp went from 78-79 to 72. It was unplugged for a couple hours before we noticed. the next day 1 head of the frogspawn started sliming up, then polyps floated away, and by the next morning she was gone. then the hammer coral that was next to it went too, really quick.
And since yours happened so quick like that def sounds like RTN.
It sucks. Sorry.

oh it dropped to 72..maybe thats the cause..
well with the I.O. supposedly there has been somethin goin on where maybe the ph isnt buffering like its supposed too. maybe the ph dropped? and yes rapid tissue necrosis. did you smell the skeleton. it smells like rotten eggs from the dieoff. yuck.
and luisse, i saw something that if you have the temp doing that permamntly that it hardens off the corals , but if you keep them constant theyre more susceptable to temp swings, so maybe yours do well cause of that?? thatd be cool!
well with the I.O. supposedly there has been somethin goin on where maybe the ph isnt buffering like its supposed too. maybe the ph dropped? and yes rapid tissue necrosis. did you smell the skeleton. it smells like rotten eggs from the dieoff. yuck.
and luisse, i saw something that if you have the temp doing that permamntly that it hardens off the corals , but if you keep them constant theyre more susceptable to temp swings, so maybe yours do well cause of that?? thatd be cool!

:)i know,,probably they got use to it now..i dont know i keep bugging all my corals too..i dont know:) none of the corals died on me except one(a sebae) which i bought on impulse..last time i did a water test was 2 months ago..before i use to worry about my corals and they act silly and now im just whatever and pretty much they dont act silly anymore:D
still i try my best to keep my temp at least 77-81..
about ph i dont even know my ph i just use the c-balance A&B..i only have a small tank so im not sure about the bigger tanks;)
yeah my tank has had 4 peram checks in 4 yrs ..the damage is done now but i am doing a 25 gal water change today and gonna check perams tommorow night!
Don't think you have to worry about RTN, that is usually what happens to sps only. It sounds like you have had a parameter change or the coral warfare. Euphyllia species corals are one of the best water parameter checkers in your reef!!!!
There wasn't a brown jelly like substance around the coral, was there???
I am thinking coral warefare u know the more I look at it ???I will do pics tommorow ,I did a 30gal waterchange today!The only thing is the base tissue maybe it will come back ..(false hope)lmao!!!
I lost some hammer about two months ago. it was touching some torch or frogspawn. did seem to mind for a week or two. then i look in and i'm short three heads...
two heads of my Candycane was just touching the side off the tank and "skelotoned" out.
I moved it back to a safe spot and now it's fleshing back up (one week)
Yeah I think I may need to move it ?But that is the wonder of these corals happy one minute and the next mad and dying of first thing to die in 3 yrs grrrr!
crappy, but hey, three years not bad! we just lost our psuedochromis yesterday and a goby today, gd qt tank...... aaarrrgggh
I had an old hammer I got from another reefer that had a few dead heads on it from shipping damage, over the next few years little heads started sprouting from the old dead heads branch, so if you don't mind staring at the skeleton there is a possibility that it'll grow back in... or you can just cut it off to keep it clean :cool:
I hope the switch to instant ocean wasnt a bad move i will be peeved!

Concevably it could be a change in parameters caused by changing salt mixes. I know when you change you should work your way into a change by mixing salts the first couple of times. Some of the mixes have extremely differing chemistry - so the big question is what were you using before and did you ease into Instant Ocean?

Then again the fact that you only had trouble with one coral makes it less likely to be a change in chemistry. However, certain corals are more susceptable to loss from certain shifts than others are. i.e. alk swings and A. Nana. but that usually causes STN (slow tissue nicrosis sp.?) Hammer corals also are usually a fairly dominant coral with a couple of good sweeper tentacles. Is there any chance a fish decided they all of a sudden like LPS?
HMM?Will have to watch the fish bit ...But I moved it away from that spot into alitle better flow as well Seems to be fine at this point.I have not seen anymore loss at this time..I did a 5 gal then a week later a 8 gal ANd this week a 30 gal..I did u oceanic for 4 yrs w/o a hitch..I just allways see the big boys use i/o anf fig the price and availabilty.I was a good move..But here is another wierd thing..The one species of kenia is closed as well?wierd?But the other is fine and So is everything else......
I doubt it could be the change in salt but Oceanic to Instant Ocean is a pretty big change. As I understand it oceanic is much higher in a lot of things (calcium, magnesium, etc) than IO is - you would think a lowering of those chemicals would not cause this, but there is a lot more to salt than just that stuff so who knows.

Think about everything else, no matter how small, that you have changed prior to the problem. In my first tank about 5 years ago I ended up losing close to all my fish over the period of about two weeks to some unexplained cause. Eventually I realized that I had moved a powerhead around and completely eliminated surface disturbance and in doing so, gas exchange and oxygen content. It was such a little change that you wouldn't bat an eye, but it sure reaked havoc. My point is to think about anything new you have done and whether it could cause the loss.