HELP! My glass or silicone jsut gave way

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Dec 11, 2004
Spokane, WA
Hello all! I just purchased a 180 Gallon Lee-Mar Low Iron about a year ago. I moved from Cali to Spokane, WA around that time and unfortunately nothing survived the move. Well I decided to take a few months off, then start to rebuild. I had just started to actively start my sps tank again and tragedy occurs. I came home today to find that either the bottom panel has a crack in it, or there is a silicone defect somewhere. I have yet to completely break the tank down, but so far I have emptied it half way and cleared both overflows to see if it was a bulkhead leak. It seems the water is coming through the sides between the bottom panel and the bottom glass of the tank. I am so irritated and concerned abou tthis. Any help would be awesome!

My questions are several!

#1 If there a glass aquarium mfg. that has the ability to fix silicone or bottom panels if needed and what their number is so I can get a hold of them.

#2 Is there anyone that can house a few corals and some inverts for now while I deal with this. Although they are just frags right now, I will gladly cut you pieces for your hospitality and if the fix takes very long, the corals will then be yours.

#3 Is anyone willing to help me get this tank off the stand so I can get al the water up, so as to not mildew the carrpet. THIS WOULD BE THE BIGGEST HELP! It is jsut me and my wife here and the tank is 48'' off the ground and weighs a considerable amount.

#4 Any more advice you could give?
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i would talk to kevin at aquatic dreams and see if he could hook you up with some people. He is busy himself but knows lots of people in the area. Are you involved with the local club?
Id run to walmart and get a kidde pool. Empty the tank, take a razor blade and cut away all the silicone on all 8 sides. Run to a lfs and get all-glass silicone and replace the seals. Wait 24 hours and refill it.

The pool like Don suggested is what I was going to say. If I was closer I would be glad to help. Esp. with the corals.:p Good luck.
Id run to walmart and get a kidde pool. Empty the tank, take a razor blade and cut away all the silicone on all 8 sides. Run to a lfs and get all-glass silicone and replace the seals. Wait 24 hours and refill it.

Absolutely! Or cheap styro boxes, or dog food containers, etc etc etc. Whatever you can get your hands on fast. Be sure to remove as much of the old cement as possible with the blade, and be sure the joints are totally dry before applying the cement. A good sized bead is not a bad thing, but remember that the quality of the bead is more important than the quantity. Look out for air bubbles under the cement. Sounds difficult, but it's not really that hard and you will get the hang of it pretty quick.
Sadly I can't find where the silicone leak is...I think it may be on the floating panel on the bottom, which will take some skill far beyond mine to fix. And on top of that, the only LFS around here is closed until Wednesday. So, now I don't know what to do, if I can't find someone to help with my corals at least for now, they will die.

Therefore, anyopne that wants to help me, I have a few shrimp and a ton of snails and stuff you can have for free. I would rather someone else have them, then they all die.
Get something like suggested above to a least put them in right now. It will give you a few days. If you can not fix it by then someone should step forward to help house the livestock. Everyone on this board lives in WA.:D
Hell, use the bathtub if you have to, rinse it VERY well first. Anything that can hold water. Line strong cardboard boxes with trashbags, go for it!

I started another thread with spokane in the title, hopefully someone will read it
I have tubs to house all of it in, but with all the water on my carpet, everything must be moved to the garage, and with temps the way they are, I don't think much will last very long and my chiller is not functioning due to a shorted controller from the leak.
Ty for the other thread fishyfishy! I guess if nothing else, those that have been helpful can benefit. The wife is really upset right now, so if I can't get a quick solution, this tank my be a cheap fixer upper and all the live rock (Mostly Marshall Island) will be sold at a substantial discount just to get rid of it. If any of you guys are interested, let me know and if I can't find a solution to the tank, I will gladly help those that are trying to help me.
What part of spokane do you live in? When you say cheap fixer upper, how cheap? Selling the whole package may move it quicker.
What part of spokane do you live in? When you say cheap fixer upper, how cheap? Selling the whole package may move it quicker.

I really doubt it most are really not vultures. I'd even check with petco, they usually have plenty of aga silicone. HD sells a cutter that will easily remove the silicone kind of a "l" shaped razor. I think with a little confidence you can get it done. As far as lifting the tank a fulcrom and lever will easily pick it up enough to add some blocks for it to dry out. Fans do wonders.

Sadly I can't find where the silicone leak is...I think it may be on the floating panel on the bottom, which will take some skill far beyond mine to fix. And on top of that, the only LFS around here is closed until Wednesday. So, now I don't know what to do, if I can't find someone to help with my corals at least for now, they will die.

Therefore, anyopne that wants to help me, I have a few shrimp and a ton of snails and stuff you can have for free. I would rather someone else have them, then they all die.

If there is no crack on the bottom you can seal around the entire panel to make it water tight.

Do you have a picture?

if the tank is leaking that bad and there is no crack in the glass you are in the clear cut out your old silicone and re-do the entire tank. You have nothing to lose at this point.
Don, good ideas on where to buy the silicone and Great link!
One other trick I used to do. Put newspaper or garbage sack paper (kraft paper) under the tank. Put on top of whatever waterproof surface you use as a stand or the floor or whatever. If it leaks, you will instantly see the paper turn dark at that exact spot and you can mark the leak for fixing.

Not rocket science. Not even ick curing science :lol: (sorry):oops:
Once it is fixed, will bring the pride of knowing you fixed it yourself.
Yes thanks for all the info. I have yet to fully decide what I am going to do with the tank. But I will post if I am going to sell it. I may very well try to reseal, but we will see how eager the wife is. I think I saw her deviously trying to take wall measurements for furniture. But that is a great link and I thank you. I am still looking for spokane people to get 2 free cleaner shrimp, 2 free peppermint shirmp and a bunch of assorted snails. First to call gets them 714-232-9407.