Help out my daughter!!!

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Okay everyone....yes, you too....I need ALL of your help...PLEASE!!!

My daughter, Kaytlin, is a Senior at Newport High School. She's head Cheerleader and this Friday is their Homecoming game. This is also where I graduated, so it'll be Homecoming for me as well!! Anyway, here's where I need your help. A local news crew picks 2 games, each weekend, and puts out a public vote to decide which game they'll televise live and have a "Tailgate Party" at. So, I need all of you to go here and vote for the Newport vs. Kettle Falls game!!

Oh did I mention, it'll also be my brand new Granddaughter's first football game!!!??? Who knows, you might even get to see her on TV!!

In case you need another good reason....

Newport and Kettle Falls are both "hick towns!!" The other alternative...GPrep (which is a private High School) vs. Lake City...they're both HUGE schools with TONS of money. Let's show them that Hicktown schools can win!!!

So, once again, please go to and vote for the Newport vs. Kettle Falls game!!!

Thanks all!!!!
LOL Shows you how much you know....

My Three kids go to G-Prep and they do not have TONS of money. They raise it through hard work and donations...

But thanks for reminding me to vote for G-Prep...

BTW My son is a bronze bullpup!

Better knows as one of the blue people! Well in this game white people. Not racist, they just use white body paint for the schools away colors. At home they are Blue!

Honestly since it is a homecoming for both Newport and Lake City I wish them the best of luck. If it was homecoming for G-Prep I would ask for your vote.

Goodluck Everyone..
My vote

My daughter was a cheerleader in a small "hick" town also. You got my vote!! Small towns are the greatest.
Just found out that unless you are from around the areas of the school the votes will not be counted in the final results.

So everyone use a proxy server located in Spokane to cast your vote....

Votes are by email address / Computer NOT IP address.
LOL GPrep is loaded!! There's probably more money in that school than all of District 81, Mead District and the Valley Districts all combined. I used to work at Gonzaga. I'm aware of the money that works it's way from Gonzaga, down to GPrep. Might surprise you to know that a portion of each Gonzaga student's college tuition goes directly to GPrep. Money from the local Diocese makes it's way to GPrep as well. Not at all saying that GPrep doesn't work hard for the money, or that donations aren't involved. I know both of those are true...but I also know that GPrep is Each of these 2 schools probably have more students than the entire population of the smaller 2 Back then, I hated growing up in a small town. Now I look back on it with fondness.

Besides, it's not really that I don't want GPrep to win, I DON'T want a Cda HS to

WooHoo...Newport/Kettle Falls has been ahead in the results, since voting started. Now they're pulling ahead even more. More than double the votes!! Gooo HickTowns!!!

LOL You can vote more than once too people. Just not in a short amount of time. I voted last night and just now. Heck, most people in these 2 school districts (Newport and Kettle Falls) are still accessing the internet via dial-up...IF they even have internet access!! As I said, Hick Towns!!! Gotta love 'em.
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I voted for ya. We are Mead school district fans. It's a great school district! I moved here just for the schools. I'm not a fan of District 81 which is where our kids started out.
LOL GPrep is loaded!! There's probably more money in that school than all of District 81, Mead District and the Valley Districts all combined. I used to work at Gonzaga. I'm aware of the money that works it's way from Gonzaga, down to GPrep. Might surprise you to know that a portion of each Gonzaga student's college tuition goes directly to GPrep. Money from the local Diocese makes it's way to GPrep as well. Not at all saying that GPrep doesn't work hard for the money, or that donations aren't involved. I know both of those are true...but I also know that GPrep is Each of these 2 schools probably have more students than the entire population of the smaller 2 Back then, I hated growing up in a small town. Now I look back on it with fondness.

Besides, it's not really that I don't want GPrep to win, I DON'T want a Cda HS to

WooHoo...Newport/Kettle Falls has been ahead in the results, since voting started. Now they're pulling ahead even more. More than double the votes!! Gooo HickTowns!!!

LOL You can vote more than once too people. Just not in a short amount of time. I voted last night and just now. Heck, most people in these 2 school districts (Newport and Kettle Falls) are still accessing the internet via dial-up...IF they even have internet access!! As I said, Hick Towns!!! Gotta love 'em.

The money might flow down hill but look at all the scholorships Gonzaga gives to EVERYONE in the Spokane area that has a 3.6GPA, if you have 4.0 it is auto you get one if you apply.

Also there is not as much money as you think at G-Prep. A lot of the parents end up buying / donating to keep the sports programs going. That is why with exception to the football field their sports programs are the last of all the schools around to get the new stuff. I know I live it. The dugouts on the softball field were donated and the entire field is not half as nice as the Central Valley District or the 81 district fields.

When was the last time you were inside G-Prep? Last time I was there nothing was updated. Leaking sinks, chipped titles, needs paint on the walls but they get an outstanding education.

When I was in Mead, Rogers, Uhigh and CV they looked brand new. Just goes to tell you G-Prep puts the money in education and over all does not have as much as you think it does. I know my first two years my son was at prep we were dialing for dollars to raise the building fund. We raised 2 mil each year and it still was not enough. It takes a lot to run a school and even more a private school where they have less then 1/3 of a public high school.

At least they do not take tax payers money and put it into the buildings instead of a proper RESPECTFUL education. For me it is a nice peace of mind that my kids are safe or safer at a private school.
Sorry for my posting but you know why did MONEY have to be a factor of where they should hold the tailgate party?

The whole purpose of Tom Sherry doing this contest is to get the KIDS to the website and promote current events. I guess to educate them more on what is going on around them.

It really is upsetting that money was used to discredit a school. To taint a contest like this is unreal, and IMO shameless.

They all are great schools in their own right and should not be judged by how much money they do or don't have. It is discriminating againt the kids of parents that choose to send their child to a private school for, what they believe, a better education.

I never voted and I will not just because of the way this contest for the kids has been tainted by a parents actions just to get them on TV for 5 minutes.
I don't think it's shameless at all to want the highschool football game your daughter is a chearleader for to be the one chosen to be aired on the news.

Since the vote is posted on KREM's site and no personal info is required to vote, it seems to be pretty open to the public to me.
The vote is open to the public. It also is voted on by MANY KREM 2 viewers, as they advertise the "election" on KREM 2 for several days, throughout the day, as well as on their sister radio stations. You don't have to live, or be in the area of the school, to be allowed to vote for any of the schools. People who watch KREM 2 via web stream, from the North Pole, can vote.


It really is upsetting that money was used to discredit a school. To taint a contest like this is unreal, and IMO shameless.

Newport and Kettle Falls are both "hick towns!!" The other alternative...GPrep (which is a private High School) vs. Lake City...they're both HUGE schools with TONS of money. Let's show them that Hicktown schools can win!!!

In my original post, in no way did I make any statements that should be interpreted as discrediting any school. It was more in the spirit of "David vs. Goliath," "Snoopy vs. Red Barin," "Team that always wins, vs. the Underdog....." Big City vs. Hick Town....

Sorry if it came across as discrediting. I never said anything negative about any of the schools. I never degraded the educational system of any of the schools. If anything, my use of the term "Hick Town" could be construed as

I never voted and I will not just because of the way this contest for the kids has been tainted by a parents actions just to get them on TV for 5 minutes.

I guess it's bad form for me to stand on the side lines and root for my home team too.
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You got it Michael I went to Newport HS too 9-11th grade :) Then i got sick of it and dropped out after 11th grade and got my GED lol. I grew up in Newport though :D
it is just upsetting that you used money to motivate people.

I have gone to big city and small town (Springdale) high schools and to see that just because a school has a lot of money they are better is just totally wrong.

I still feel it was shameless to post it on these board.

That is like saying Rodney King Deserved it!


The LAPD was just treating him like a King, because they have money and can get away with it.
LMAO James....sorry you see it that way!! I've explained my thoughts and that's all I have to say on the matter.

Shawn, I didn't know that!! I graduated from NHS, as did my oldest children. They even had some of the same teachers their mother and I Kaytlin will graduate from NHS next June.