HELP. Overflowed and not enough extra salt!

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2008
West Seattle
I was working on my skimmer and aperantly hit the valve for toping off my tank and didn't notice it. An hour later saw the water on thre floor.
I was getting some more IO salt this weekend but don't have any right now to makup the 20+ gallons I'll need to start bringing the salinity back up.
I had a small box of reef crystals but it aperently got put with all the cleaning chemicals during the move and I'm not willing to risk it.
Tanks currently at 26ppt. Was at 32 and hour ago :eek:
So far my anemone has folded in on itself and so have 1/2 my softies!
Fish seem ok so far.

Does anyone know of somewhere to pick up some salt this late near west seattle? or is there anyone willing to sell/give me some?
I haven't been to walmart since college but I remember them having a pet/ fish section. If I wasn't in Bothell I'd say come on over.

I haven't been to walmart since college but I remember them having a pet/ fish section. If I wasn't in Bothell I'd say come on over.

There's also one in renton. already called and they only have the rock salt for FW tanks no saltwater salt :(
Thanks for the heads up tho.
The Walmart website says that they carry API salt in their stores.... Just looked again you're right it's for freswater.
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I'll do that right now.
I have got 2 offers but I'm hoping for something within a shorter driving distance. but if I have to goto the east side I will.
Thank you for the concern.

Come on guys, there's gotta be someone, that's online, close to you and has some salt to spare!! Menace, maybe post on the PSAS forum, here on RF, as well!!
I am way up in Edmonds/Lynnwood and will be up late tonight.

I have a bucket of IO that I could loan to you until you can get a replacement bucket.

I live close to the intersection of 196th and 76th,

Sorry about that. My wife and I went for our evening walk and I just got home.

I am glad that you found some salt. Good luck with bumping your salinity.

I don't mind helping fellow reefers in critical situations!
It was nice meeting you lmk how everything pulls threw for you!
I don't mind helping fellow reefers in critical situations!
It was nice meeting you lmk how everything pulls threw for you!

Will do! and thank you again for the help. just started my first batch of water to start bringing it back up. *fingers crossed*

I'll keep you posted. And I'll be talking to you about some corals in the near future ;)
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Sorry about that. My wife and I went for our evening walk and I just got home.

I am glad that you found some salt. Good luck with bumping your salinity.

Not a problem and thank you again.
I appreciated the offer regardless.


So far not too much damage looks like I lost a turbo snail, looks like all my pods (havn't seen any alive scurying anywhere in the sump or display, seen a few husks floating here and there and have some dead in the skimmer looks like I'll have to reseed my pods if they don't recoup soon), one of the softies that I got from IWishIWasAFish (that i can't seem to figure out what is yet >.<) isn't doing so good. kinda disalved a bit but seems to be stable now. have my salinity back up to ~30ppt and slowly climbing back up.
skimmer hasn't went too haywire so I don't think anything died that I didn't see. ether that or my CUC is doing a good job :p
Xenia's, Kenya's, mushrooms, and other snails and hermits didn't even look fazed by the salinity shift.

Thank you again for the help. I'm sure it would be worse if it would have been another 8-9 hours before I could get some salt.