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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jun 22, 2009
Hi reefers,

Does anyone knows why I cannot open a new thread in General Forms Equipment for Sale. I did upgrade my tank and I want to sale my old one.

Is 50 too much?

Funny, I recently ran into the exact same problem, and was shocked because I've been a member for a couple years. I check out the site a couple times a week and after two years I still feel like a novice (compared to some of the true experts on the site) so I don't feel I have much to add to most discussions.

I would suggest the number of posts should be reduced (maybe to 20?) and if the goal is to keep the requirements bar high, make the time requirement 2 or more months.
Here are what another well known reef forum rules is;

You must have 50 posts in "real" forums (ie, not the Lounge, or the Selling and Trading forums) and have been registered for 90 days before you can participate in the selling or trading areas. Our mission at **** ****** is the exchange of hobby information, not commerce, and the selling and trading forums are a perk for those members who support **'s mission. Additionally, requiring a minimum number of posts reduces the number of quick-sale scam artists and repeat, commercial-only entities who are only interested in making a quick buck.
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And how about adding this to the mix...

Selling Forum Rules

1. Selling is a privilege, not a right. Your ability to sell on the forum can be suspended or revoked at the Staff’s discretion.

2. A price must be in your post. No auction or make an offer type posts are allowed. Additionally, you can ask for Best Offers provided the asking price is listed.

3. A location must be posted, where the item is located. Can be as general as a city or as detailed as you feel comfortable with.

4. The item must belong to you. You may not post anything belonging to a friend, family member or business entity. If you are a sponsor, the item MUST NOT be an item you would sell in the course of business, otherwise it will need to be posted in your forum.

5. All Items must be in your possession. You may not post anything that you currently do not have on hand or that you will be ‘ordering’ to sell or that you have to pick up in order to sell.

6. Misrepresentation of Items is not allowed. If you sell a LE coral (ORA Steve Tyree) and it’s not authentic for example. Selling something as NEW when it’s used, or selling something in working order and it’s not. Mistakes happen, but a user who displays a history of misrepresenting what they sell will lose selling privileges.

7. Posting your item on others sale threads, or any posts or PMs that drive users away from a given sale thread will not be allowed. PM sniping is a problem and will not be tolerated. Any sellers or buyers receiving them are asked to report them.

8. Any and all posts NOT expressing interest in or requesting more info about the item(s) for sell/trade will be deleted as they are off-topic. Exceptions to this are bumping posts to the top and expressing thanks for a completed transaction.

9. Selling of ‘Chop Shop’ corals is not allowed. The Sale forum is a place to sell ‘excess or unwanted’ corals from your system. It is not a place to make supplemental income by buying cheap retail or wholesale corals and cutting them up for profit. You are free to start a group buy to split a colony with other club members.

10. Selling or turning profits on system breakdowns will not be tolerated. Using employee discounts to buy products from your employer to sell on the forum is included in this. You can post these on Craigslist, Ebay or some other venue but not in our forum.
It's been said before and I'll say it again,

This is a place to come and receive information on reef topics and ASK QUESTIONS. This is not a Oh I need to get 50 posts so that I can sell this stuff.

Why is it so many people are upset with this 50 post rule? And why is it a lot of those people have been registered for at least 6 months or longer?

How about if Chuck does something where you must post at least three times a month to be considered active? That along with changing the sell forum to 50 posts and 90 days registration. How would some feel about this? Probably not very cozy am I right?

If people keep up their complaining about the 50 post rule I can see Reef Frontiers just closing them up. Why not... to many complaints so do away with them all together.
These are some examples pulled from here that In My Opinion are not contributing, Names have been removed to protect those involved.

"for how much are you asking for the sump?"
"PM sent to you"
"WOW this tank is amazing"

Here are some good examples of a contributing member,

Subject of Flatworms:
"I've used the recommended doseage and the worms start moving around making them easier to spot and syphon. The worms eventually turned pale (from pink to very light pink/white), but I don't know if any actually died on their own from the recommended doseage. I have a sixline and he doesn't seem to be interested in eating them. There are still a few flatworms in the tank, so next time I feel there are too many, I'll definately dose 2 to 3 times the recommended limit. I'll proably start with 2 and see how it goes, and then increase to 3 (or 4) if needed.

Subject of What is it?:
I noticed this pop up a little while back, and now it seems to be spreading. Please let me know if it's something aggressive or invasive that I should be concerned about.

And if the recommendation is to remove it, any suggestions on the best way to go about doing so.
Here are what another well known reef forum rules is;

You must have 50 posts in "real" forums (ie, not the Lounge, or the Selling and Trading forums) and have been registered for 90 days before you can participate in the selling or trading areas. Our mission at **** ****** is the exchange of hobby information, not commerce, and the selling and trading forums are a perk for those members who support RC's mission. Additionally, requiring a minimum number of posts reduces the number of quick-sale scam artists and repeat, commercial-only entities who are only interested in making a quick buck.


Just thought is was funny you asterisk'd out Reef Central and then left the initials!!!1! :lol:
I totally agree that there are plenty of other ways to sell corals, and I do see value in setting a bar to prevent people who are just trying to make a quick buck. Something to consider is if there are lots of other people complaining about having been a member for 6+ months and still don't have access, that may indicate that the criteria might be set little high. I don't think someone trying to make a quick buck would wait around for 6 months to do so. My personal story is I've been a member for several years, refrain from posting a lot because I don't feel I have a ton of knowledge to impart, and I try not to ask a lot of stupid questions. My tank has benefited greatly from the members of the site who are willing to sell their frags for a lot less than local stores, and after 2 years, my tank is finally at a point where I can start giving back to the community. I'm not interested in making a profit, I just want to give back to the community that has helped me out so much, rather than sell/trade them to some stranger on criagslist. But if the high bar is what is required to keep this site at the high quality level it is known for, then 50 posts is a small price to pay.
Ok now I do have over 50 post why I still can not write ineneral Forms Equipment for Sale section ?