HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

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I checked them out this afternoon now the female is really showing signs of Brook like the ones in the pictures. I did the first bath this afternoon. At the begining the male started showing signs of stress and was bothering the female but after a few minutes they both calmed down. Next time I think I'm going to separate them.

Check out the video.
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I get the frozen Cyclopeeze. It can be ordered online if you can't find it in your LFS.
Today I gave them the second Formalin bath. They are looking a little bit better and probably more active. The white spots are now orange and they are not spreading anymore.

My LFS could not get the Cyclopeeze for me so tonight I decided to try the frozen Formula 1 again but without the garlic thing and the male went straight to it and finally ate!!! a LOT!!!. The female was not really interested but I noticed that she had a lot of poop hanging so I guess she is probably been eating when we are not watching.

Anyway, it looks like they might have a chance to get well... keep your fingers crossed.
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The male is definitely eating a lot since Yesterday but the female is more shy and does not seem to be interested in the food but as I mentioned before I have seen her with long strings of what it looks to be poo. Kind of gritty, white but long. I will try to take a picture of it Tonight.

Where can I see pictures what they consider strange feces?

Just in case they do have worms, I guess I need to wait until I finish with the Formalin treating first right?
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You can treat for worms anytime. The female will most likely begin to eat. The treatment will be to add some medicine to the food. That can be done anytime.

You won't find photos, just my description. White and stringy is a bad sign. Most likely an intestinal parasite. Get some de-worming medication, as recommended in that post I referenced. Add it to the food as instructed in that post and feed it as soon as you can.

Sorry you were hit with so much at once. :( But it seems like you've come to the right conclusion -- quarantine is worth it! :D Also, your attitude and effort is to be acknowledged and commended. ;)
Lee thanks a lot for your compliments. Is there any particular medication that you would suggest so that I get the right thing the first time around. I will start asap.
Praziquantel. Praziquantel may be hard to find. But it is available on-line along with other medications at: National Fish Pharmaceuticals, FISH DISEASE . . It is also available on-line from PondRX PondRX - Do you feel the need for speed? - Home. . Unfortunately, the quantity of Praziquantel you need to order as a minimum order may be more than you’ll need in the next few years. It is administered at 23mg per pound of fish, in their normal food. Wait 6 days, then treat again. Verify the 'cure' by observing the faces form/shape.

There is a commercially prepared anti-parasitic pellet food available. It is made by Jungle. The product name is: Anti-Parasite Medicated Fish Food. The active ingredients in this food are levamisole (a stimulant for the fish immune system), Metrodinazole, and Praziquantel. This particular formula will kill a much broader spectrum of intestinal parasites/organisms. Also, the product Gel-Tek Ultra Cure PX can be used instead of Praziquantel. Another product for use in the de-worming of fish is called Piperazine which can be bought as Pipzine. For any of the alternate products, just follow directions on the medication.
Glad to see they are doing well!

Prazipro is also a praziquantel med. it can be ordered through Fosters and Smith
Prazipro is made by Hikari. You may have heard of Hikari as the manufacturer of dozens of different fish foods. That is their specialty.

Prazipro was originally made for use in ponds (freshwater). In aquariums it was particularly good for curing Discus (freshwater). It is also sold for use in saltwater aquariums. I think its saltwater use is sort of a fifth wheel use of this product. Prazipro contains Praziquantel, as BTTRFLYGRL has posted. However, it contains less than 5% Praziquantel with no guarantee of it containing any measurable quantity of Praziquantel.

Next, it is a water treatment. For attacking intestinal parasites it is best to send the medication to the parasite in the gut vis a vis feeding it to them.

Lastly, I'm unsure how the fish will react to the other ingredients in Prazipro during their current treatment and how Formalin will react with the other ingredients. I am, however, sure of how the other food meds I've listed will work and that they are safe with your Formalin treatment. To use this product, you should get Hikari to say it is an appropriate treatment while you're performing a Brook treatment.

In my post I offer several other choices of medications that are fed to the fish. I would stick to a food additive or swallowed medication. Your LFS not having the others on my list, just go online and order some. There is time.
Hang in there Carlos, I think you can pull through this, she looks good from the pic, even though that doesn't mean much, can't tell much about the poop other than it does look sorta whitish.
BTTRFLYGRL, I got the Cyclopeeze and the male went nuts, he loved it but she did not eat it at all.

Lee, the problem is that she is still not eating. My LFS can get me the Anti-Parasite Medicated Fish Food as well as the Gel-Tek Ultra Cure PX but I think I should try something a treatment for the water until I get her to eat. What do you think?
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If you want to do a water treatment, then treat after you've totally finished the Brook treatment. :) Usually, intestinal parasites don't prevent the host from eating. Although on top of all the other stresses, it wouldn't be unusual for the fish to not eat.
Good news, the female ate this morning, not a lot but she ate so I expect her to start eating normally soon. Today I will give them their third Formalin bath and I pick up the frozen Anti-Parasite Medicated Fish Food.