Help with acans

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
Bothell, WA
I've recently noticed my acans aren't extending from their skeletons. I tested all the my params and my kh is 8.5, Calcium is at 420 and mag is at 1300. There are no noticeable phosphates and my nitrates where a little higher than normal 5 mg/lt which I think is the same as parts per million. My nitrates usually hang >1 mg/Lt but I've been trying to only do a 10% water change per week lately and I think that is why the increase accured. My temperature is stable at 77-79. The only big change lately is my dosing schedule I noticed my params where off about 4 weeks ago so I started dosing KH 8.3 by brightwell. I slowly brought my KH up and I've kept it stable since. The reason my alk was low seems to be that I had a bad batch of Tunze salt. Yesterday I did a 30 % water change and changed my carbon and GFO. My nitrates dropped accordingly but the acans still haven't shown signs of polyp extention.:cry:

Is this multiple colonies of acans or just one? What is your lighting and where are they placed? Have they been happy for a while previously or are they a new addition? Pics?
They are at the bottom of the tank. It's four different colonies, all placed near the bottom. I run 2 150w DE Radiums and Current dual actinics pc's. I've had one colony for over a year two others for about 6 months and I just got one 3 weeks ago.

Everything sounds good, generally acans are pretty hardy and if something were off in your tank they would be one of the last to show signs... I guess the next step would be to double check your params with different test kits and maybe give them a couple more days to respond to the water change. If everything checks out and they still aren't looking better in a few days or if things get worse you could start doing iodine dips to treat a possible bacterial infection to see if that improves things at all.

I've heard conflicting opinions on feeding them, some people claim they need to be fed to do well. I doubt they would all start to go bad at the same time if this were the case though and if by chance you aren't feeding them there's not much you can do if they aren't extending.
I feed them sometimes but I'd also be surprised if they all went at the same time. I just picked up new Ca and Kh test kits so I was able to test with both and both seem to be good and my nitrate kit is only a couple months old as well. I guess my question is what caused acans to close up like this? Has anyone else seen this problem?
They are quite hardy and your parameters look good. They will even extend in 20ppm nitrate conditions. The most likely cause would be nipping by a fish or irritation by some invertebrate. I would sit quietly and observe if you have a fish that occasionally nips them in passing.

4 weeks ago so I started dosing KH 8.3 by brightwell
I just got one 3 weeks ago.
Id guess its one of these two variables. Are all of them aussie acans or is the last one different causing a new chemical warfare in the area.
Id guess its one of these two variables. Are all of them aussie acans or is the last one different causing a new chemical warfare in the area.

They are all aussie. I've stopped dosing for now. I haven't dosed for 3 days now so we'll see how that goes. I'll keep testing and see if the Alk level drops. It should stay stable if I do weekly water changes though, it always had before the batch of bad salt.

I'm thinking along the lines of Trido also, but would put a bigger bet on the stuff you were dosing.

From time to time, my acans won't expand as much as normal, but it's only for a day or so. And never all of them at the same time.
Yes and I found some acans like a little flow and others hate any flow at all.
I have one frag that needs near calm dead water for full extention..
just my .02
I think it's the stuff you were dosing
I'm going thorugh the same thing with one of my ultra aussie acans. I'm pretty sure that mine is due to inverts though becasue my other acans are doing fine. Hoping it will pull through, but not lookin to great.
I would also look towards inverts or fish, AND also look at what you're dosing, since it's a new ingredient.

Hermit crabs are known to sometimes cause issues. I've also seen Rabbitfish and Tangs cause problems with Acans. Even fish that have left them alone for a long time. I currently have a Lavendar Tang that I'm keeping a close eye on, because it seems to be paying particular attention to some Acans.
I've spent some time carefully watching today and I noticed my flame angel nipping at the acans. So I guess I should move this to the for sale section. For sale Flame Angel. One of the nicer ones I've seen. This fish is from Ben's tank and apparently he fed him better than me. Does anybody know if there is still a psas fish trap?
OK. Thanks to everyone for the advice. I've been extremely busy lately with the holidays coming and I still haven't had a chance to get a fish trap. I cut the bottom off a clear 1 gallons water jug, drilled holes in it and made a little protective dome over the acans. They are all extending polyps now. I feel good about the results, now it's time to catch the Flame Angel. While I'm at it, I have a Long Nose Hawk that is very agressive toward my Borboias Anthias so he'll be coming out as well.
