help with clownfish

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Mar 1, 2005
yesterdai i fed my clownfish and i think he overate..after that he couldnt swim properli..kept sinking to the sand..and then he kept gettin scratches on the live rock and couldnt move out from the live rock ..cant swim properly and today i realised he still cant swim....and is scratchin himself on the rock..and he is panting..thinking it could die..wat could i do????thanx...
Hi supamarine.

Usually problems due to what and how much is being eaten is the opposite as to what you have said. Clownfishes get 'floating bloat' problem if you give them too much floating pellets. Excessive floating flakes can also lead to 'floating bloat', but in rare circumstances.

I feed my clownfishes all the time, sometimes to the point where they will not eat. They never have problems. Healthy clownfish, however, will go to food even after just being fed, and at least gulp and spit it out (if they are full).

The only thing that 'may' be worth noting is that the clownfish may have swallowed a piece too big and have a hard time to swallow it. However, I see this happening just right after it enters the mouth of the clown. For a couple seconds the fish will shake left and right in an attempt to bring it down to their stomach. Choking usually causes death almost instantaneously, which isnt' the case with your clownfish.

With your clownfish, I would look somewhere else besides food. Other fish in the tank? Any new inhabitants recently added? Any tank water not from your tank added recently? Rapid breathing and laying down in sand/bottom of tank are clues to more problematic clownfish diseases, like brooklynella or amyloodinium.

Keep us posted.

- Elmo

but the thing is soon as i fed it...the fish started sinking and couldnt swim a whole chunk of flake was eaten by him..i saw the fish take the whole chunk and hide behind a rock and eat it......acting greedy....but too late now thanks for the comments the clown fish died yesterdai....and is nowhere to be seen in the tank?do u know where it could of gone....its partner the male seems so loneli in the tank now..
Sorry about the clown. It is likely that clean up critters did their job. Check behind the rock work, and if the tank is small, follow your water parameters.

Elmo is the Clownfish Freak! LOL Elmo you know I love it....BTW, I'm still waiting for the Sultan of Oman to call me back.