help with coral

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
Well it seems like my frogspawn/ torch is dying :( .
It's been more than a week and it's been just closed/ compress ... it seems like there's algae growing around it for some reason :doubt: .
Is there anyway i can save it?
i don't feed this coral anything, i've had this coral for about a year, it's just 2 heads.
It has also been all the time by the sand, should i try moving it a little bit more up?.
I seriously don't know what wrong with the coral :( .
hey gabs, does the coral seem to be closed or melting away? how is the water params? what kind of algae is growing on it? sometimes water param changes seem to affect the corals and also algae growing on them will disturb them. if you have a hair algae then your nutrients are probably too high. I have had a hammer a while back close up but was fine after straitening everything else out. check to be sure they are in decent water movemt so that they recieve food and also make sure they are getting enough light. check the base for dark brown spots or anything else that could be disturbing them. let us know what you find>
well it seems like melting away i mean it's really really closed almost into a little tiny thingy.
The algae growing around it is hair algae :( .
I'll go check my water parameters right now dood.
it doesnt sound like its dead. when i said melting thats exactly what i meant it will turn into a sloppy ugly mess it will literally just fall apart. yours sounds like it is retracted not dead. imo I would remove it for a moment and scrub off the algae as close to the flesh as possible without hitting it. then i would put it in an area with a little more flow. it wouldnt hurt to try it. if it is falling apart i would remove it from the tank all together.
do you have any butterfly or angel fishes that might be picking on it? mine had completely retracted and looked like nothing left. i took it to kevin until i got rid of the butterfly.
Being closed up it sounds as though there may be infection. I would recommend dipping it in saltwater with 10-15 drops of lugals Iodine per gallon of water for 5-8 mins. If the coral is far gone the dip may finish it off instead of saving it, but I have relatively good luck turning most corals around with a lugals dip.

best wishes,
Barry Katz
(800) 764-0884
(425) 761-6303
[email protected]
if the bioload was low and/or incidental feeding opportunitioes were light, then this coral simply starved to death slowly as so many LPS do for lack of direct feeding :( MOst such LPS need over 30% of their "diet" each day to come from something other than light (presuming you have optimal light in the first place... new lamps, wiped clean weekly, use of ozone/carbon to keep water clear for best light penetration, etc).

My honest guess is that this coral suffered badly from attrition yet will/can recover VERY slowly from increased feeding opportunities. Do scrub encroaching algae away with a soft toothbrush.
I'm sorry if i haven't updated this :oops: .
The coral seems to be doing better now, i scrubed the algae with a tooth brush and left it alone.
I've been feeding the coral some cyclo peeze, I do water changes every week which are 10 gals for my 37, right now i'm running 2 skimmers :p, 1 prizm and for the moment a shuran skimmer as well.