help with my acans

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2009
puyallup washington
i am so sad...i woke up this morning and 3 mini colonies of my acans are not looking good or they look like theyre dying..:(.. just transfered them to my new 55gal tank couple days ago and they were doing fine yesterday and when i woke up this morning they dont look right.....all retracted and flesh has lots of stringy stuff,weblike slime/mucus all over,all polyps colors are a bit looks really ugly..can anybody tell or have an idea whats going on..everything else are doing fine...please help,theyre one of my favorites...:cry:
has there been anything added to your tank lately that you dont normaly put in there? water paramaters
ph 8.2,nitrite 0,ammonia 0,nitrate 20..trying to lower it by water changes...right now i put them back to my nano tank...prior to the move i dose a flatworm exit on the i saw a couple of flatworms on the i did the fwe since theres no corals yet in there just a small torch...all was good as i didnt see anymore flatworms on the 55,i did a slight water change as nothing seemed affected by the treatment..after doing water test i decided to transfer all my corals from my 24 to the 55...everything went smoothly all opened the next day,,,then after two days as i woke up this morning 4 of my acans are looking like that....i am so doomed:( everything else is ok,zoas,rose anemone,ricordeas everything except acans...can i still save them,i transfer them back to my 24gal...what should i do?dips?anything?they look like they are suffering...lots of stringy stuff all retracted webby and starting to blame the fwe....
first off the flat worm poison water when they die so even if you didnt see many there can be alot of them.. did you remove the flat worm bodies after they died?? also you should do a 20-30 percent water change and run carbon IF you did NOT remove the flat worm bodies.. the fwe itself will not kill acans>> next dont dip the acans>> take a look at their placement in the tank if they are to close to other acans/corals they will extrude their guts and try to consume the other coral ( this may be the stringy stuff) so if you had them to close together not good.. it sounds also like the lihjting may have changed during the move probably from pcs on the pod to halides?? could be in shock if major lighting/ flow change.. best idea is to get water clean place the away from other corals on the bottom of the tank in medium/low flow/light untill they recover they are very hearty.. hope this helps
What is your temp? Magnesium? KH? I lost hundreds of $$ worth of acans and when I read up on it, those were some of the parameters that others say to keep an eye on. There is a big thread on Reef Central about it happening to chalices and acans and some people have had good results with an interceptor dip. I will try to find it again.
thank you for the responses,my temp is 75-79...
i put them back in the 24gal...actually i have about 10 diff acans..all frags 1 colony...
its just weird that 3 are doing ok so far and the rest are really bad,,,the colony is already covered with slime weblike stuff...1 already browned out and no flesh at all...the rest im still hoping they will come back/recover...
i ran carbon for 3 or so hours after the treatment...i didnt see any flatworms floating or mistake is i only did 10 gallon water change....
yesterday my red open brain is doing the same have that stringy stuff and so i did a quick 10 gal water change again...i woke up this morning and saw my brain doing ok now...ill do another 10 gal water change today...and my xenias are really confuse...i dont have a test kit for magnesium and kh...:cry:
Two of the most important kits. Really we are all just throwing darts until you can post the numbers.

i never have any problems on corals before until now,,i should have just left them in my nano...i guess i move them too soon in the new tank plus the fwe just clueless because all other corals are doing fine...even my silver tip xenia and my little stalk of pompoms...:confused:
right now the acans still have that weblike stuff all over it...i blow it once in a while to clean it up..1 frag(1 head) is already gone...skeleton is visible...all other are still no progress...i just hope theres still hope...
sounds to me like low calcium
flat worms are incredibley toxic when they die u need to do a mass water change and check your ca i have seen many thin the shop lose heads just from low ca flat worms dying wont help eaither
that whait stringy stuff is like internal organs best not to blow it away 20ppmnitrate also wouldnt do this to your acans
i think i know now the cause why this happened...first i didnt do a major water change after i did the fwe treatment...then i just put them in some of my acans in the 55 are doing ok,,,i did see a big difference when i did a water change last night (tuesday)..i woke up this morning and everything look fine,except some zoos that are not open...ill do another water change tonight...until my water gets cleared up by the glad all my sps ricordeas and most zoas and my rose anemone are doing just sad about the other acans that suffered,some heads of the big colony already receded(visible skeleton)out of 50 heads i can only count 18..the others are so far is not receding yet,i think they will make now what do i do?just leave them be?should i add anything?like iodine?or some dips?thanks for all the advice.....this is the first time that corals are dying on me and it doesnt feel good at all..i couldnt so i learned from my mistake......i know i should have just bought a wrasse than doing the fwe....