help with my lighting

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Dec 17, 2009
spokane wa
Hello...very new to the saltwater world, and i have a question about my lights. i have a 36" long x 16" tall x 13" deep tank. i have a 2 light set 36" long. i dont have anything in the tank yet but live rock and some snails. i would like to know if i can put VHO bulbs in my light unit or if this will not work. if this wont work can i get bulbs for this unit that put out more watts and brightness. please let me know and thanks raedwards
Unfortunately, it looks as if you have a regular tar ballast that will only drive NO bulbs at its rated wattage. Looks like your bulb says "daylight", meaning it's probably running 5500 - 6500K and very yellow. If they're older (>9mo) I would consider changing them out with new NO bulbs and shoot for a bit whiter temperature - around 10,000K as any flourescent bulb will lose brightness the older it gets.

The only other option you have is to upgrade your whole setup - if you want to jump up to a brighter VHO / T-5 etc. Of note - I see several used setups in the Equipment FS Forums that would get you there on the cheap.
Best of luck!
You can find a 10,000 k coralife bulb and a actinic bulb for the fixture. It is still only 60 watts of light. You can do some softies under this, keep in mind you should probably change the bulbs out every six months or so. It would work maybe till you can find something better.
You have 2 choices really, you could rip out the guts of your current light and retrofit with a T5 kit, but your probably better off just buying a better suited used fixture. That would be your best option and a lot less hassel. You existing fixture would make a great work bench light if you have an area like that in your garage/home...that's what I did with the one I had like yours :)