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Feb 15, 2009
Federal Way, WA
OK, so most of you know me, I am always down to help out a fellow reefer in trouble... today I am the reefer who needs help!

My 90 gallon wave tank that I have worked so hard on is suffering 1. Because my light system is acting up and 2. Because I am not working (looking) & my unemployment ended a couple of months ago so I am broke and unable to get new lighting and I have had to cut back on routine tank maintenance. I have a couple of options so that I do not have to give up my beloved hobby but that is where I need your help...

1. A smaller tank. One that will fit some of the live rock, livestock and corals that I cannot bare to part with until I can afford to upgrade to better lighting and do maintenance on a bigger tank again. I am also looking for lighting that will fit that smaller tank and be good enough for my corals. I do not really care too much about what it looks like as long as it holds water and I can see into it :) Though I do not have much, I can put up some money for this, trade for live rock or corals from my tank, whatever, or if you just wanna lend me it or you have something sitting around just taking up space... what ever works!

2. Someone that knows lights and is willing to donate a couple hours of their time and help me figure out what is going on with my lights. Take it apart, fiddle with the wiring, whatever... this will allow me to keep my tank set up and I will just have to sell corals here and there to do my tank maintenance.

I hate to ask for help, but I really need it and hope that some of you that know me can help me figure this out without having to get rid of everything. I really do not mind having to downsize, I just cannot imagine not having any type of reef tank! Thanks guys!

The right side halide is cutting on and off constantly. The left side halide and blue led's are ok. When the right halide is cutting on/off the white leds that I never even turn on (are dimmed down to off but still powered on) start flickering. I thought is was the ballast over heating so I have a fan directly on them but it does not help. I think it is the wiring maybe? My halides are only a couple of months old but the stress on the bulb is probably aging it alot. They are 175 watt halides and the ballasts are 175 watt electronic ballasts. All the lights are housed in a Odysea case and I have a cooling fan running through one end to cool...
ok next question how are the white leds linked to the halide im betting salt creep or rust from moisture shorting/crossing over contacts inside the houseing. if u can bring by my house ill clean and take a look at it.
I have got room in my frag tank to house some of your corals untill you get your system up to par.
I also have a 65gal 36'' X 18'' X 24'' tall. You are welcome to use it as long as you need it.
As for lighting, Good for softies but not enough for sps in the 65gal

Senji will be able to figure out your HQIs, he has years of experience with that type of lighting. Maybe a quick fix???
Switch your halide bulbs out first. That will tell you if it's possibly a bad bulb. If the "good" bulb starts flickering, when you move it to the "flickering" side, that will eliminate the possibility of a bad bulb.

Then, switch ballasts. Your ballasts probably have plug ins, not the power side but the bulb side. Unplug and switch those plugs so the bulbs are now being run by the different ballasts. See if anything changes. That will further narrow down the possible problems. If the problem moves to the other bulb, that will indicate that the ballast is the problem.

From your description of what's going on with the white LEDs, it's most likely a wiring issue, could be a loose wire, loose connection or salt creep allowing electricity to jump wiring. All of these should be fairly easy fixes, once the problem is identified. Some simple trouble shooting will help to narrow down the problem, making it easier to identify.
Thanks guys! I have put another bulb in and it does the same thing. I have not tried switching the cords on the ballasts though. I will do that tomorrow. Senji, are you gonna be around this weekend? Peppie, I will let you know if I end up needing your tank. I think it may still be too big. I was thinking that if I cannot get the right side of my lights to work without having to put money in it I am going to shut that side down and only use the left side over a tank. I think 36" may be too long unless I put everything in the middle of the tank.
Thanks guys! I have put another bulb in and it does the same thing. I have not tried switching the cords on the ballasts though. I will do that tomorrow. Senji, are you gonna be around this weekend? Peppie, I will let you know if I end up needing your tank. I think it may still be too big. I was thinking that if I cannot get the right side of my lights to work without having to put money in it I am going to shut that side down and only use the left side over a tank. I think 36" may be too long unless I put everything in the middle of the tank.

Just shoot me a PM if you need it.
yes i will be here or at erics as im building my led board shoot me a pm when ur thinking of comeing over and weel figure it out.
Hold up a sec, I had an almost identical issue, drov me nuts replacing bulbs and ballasts to no avail. It turns out the metal shoe inside the ceramic HQI socket oxidizes or carbonizes, something... anyway, replacing the 8 dollar sockets solved my issue. Seriously, look iniside the socket, where the DE bulb metal pieces slide into the shoe of the socket, if you see black and crispy, replace em.
Rachel, we are in Federal Way as well, behind H Mart, if you want to drop by I can show you what im talking about, it may be an easy fix
If nothing works for you, I can give you a couple of old radium 250w SE bulb (still put out very good light) and let you borrow the ballast for it too. you just have to find the SE socket for the bulb.
ive got a 36bowfront tank sitting in the garage all clean and ready rachel if u need it. A 20L too... ;)-d
And we have a 36" 4 bulb t5 light fixture you can use while your mh are getting figured out.

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I have an se with reflector that you can use. I am in Kent so I can be in your place easy. PM me.
This thread makes me :) smile :) So many nice reefers willing to help others out. Nice job!

I also have a couple 20 longs if you need them, Just let me know!
OMG, thanks so much everyone! I feel so much better now knowing that if my lights don't get fixed I still have other options. I have all your info and will call and let you know what it ends up being and if I need something. I want to cry, so many people willing to help out! On a brighter note... I took my 911 Dispatcher testing today and passed in the 90% so in January it looks like I will be working in Bellevue as a dispatcher making $22.33/hr... that will buy me some NICE corals! I just have to figure out what to do in the meantime! Thanks again everyone and I will let you know what happens...

not a problem u allways ther for us and allways selling corals for cheap what comes around goes around. and im shure its just a short somewher bring ur entire lighting system here and ill get it fixed or at least diagnosed i know allot about lighting as i am a hydroponics grower as well. no not the illegal kind lol.