Here are some pictures

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2008
Here are some pictures guys if you notice my snails are all over my glass and there are just a few of what i have in my tank i still ned more Live rock and such but wont buy rock for 9.00 a pound just nuts but i cant seem to get the purple to grow nuts like some of your tanks. im just doing everything slow slow, what ya think?
Looking great!!
The Hydnophora looks great!! They are very strong stinging corals, so keep them a good distance from others. The multi colored mushroom rock look awesome!! The GSP will have a tendancy to climb up any rock it can touch so might wanna separate the rock it's on from any other rock.

The Coraline Algae will take awhile to become established. Keeping your Ca, Alk and Mg at proper levels will help.
I used to wonder when I would start seeing Coraline growing on my base rock and yesterday I am finally seeing it :) Never got so excited to see pink spots lol. Now I had just recently went in with a little brush and brushed a little on the Coraline and now I got pink spots so hey if you want to try to spread it a little maye taking something and scraping on the coraline you have just a little will help to seed your tank a little faster.
what i did is bought purple COVERED rock for 12$ just a few lbs and within about 2 weeks i got spots evverywhere. or seed like salty said...tank is looking fantastic!
i have found that out about the GSP it was 3x the size i had to cut it and i rubber banded it to other rocks and today i noticed i could cutthe rubber bands off it has grown onto the new rocks, meaning i will have tons of this stuff in a few months i think, the large rock of it seen in the picture is the home of 18 differnt serpentstar fish you can see all there legs in differnt holes. all about the size of a quarter.the mushroom rock has as i counted 6 new mushrooms on it and seems to be more in the making rock seems like a baby platform..wish the would more tother rocks .i also need help ID this Coral so i can read more in it i will add a picture in a sec
some other things i want to show you

Number 215 i belive it is i dont know what its calls but noticed in the past week or so it seems to be splitting i hope its not going to die or anything thats why i need reseach on it quick ,Number 214 is my baby it has grown like crazy the whitish color is all new in a months time of growth,picture 220 not sure if its good it thave in my tank but its growing roots and grows a inch every day trust me ive measured yes i have no life i just love my reef tank so always want ot know whats going on it it and growth rates i always keep an eye on them..
#220 is Blade Caleurpa and will quickly overtake your tank!! Once it's established, it can be pretty hard to get rid of. I'd recommend removing it.

#215 looks to be a Kenya Tree. They are pretty hardy and do tend to drop branches quite often. These dropped branches become an entire new colony in short time.

#214 is a beautiful Acropora of some kind. That's about all I can say on
ok so its a Kenya tree have you ever seen them as there splitting sluff like pieces of skin at the bottow of its base and whats the proper thing to feed it? I wish i could get rid of the algae around my acropora i was picking patches off today with my tweezers to then it out
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I've seen Kenya's do some really weird I've even seen them totally melt and then come back a month later. No need to feed it.

As for the Acropora and Algae, Can you cut or break the Acropora off of the rock it's on and put it on a different rock? That'd be my first suggestion, because of the algae.
Not unless you cut yourself...then it may Just kidding.

Depending on how it's mounted, it might require removing the entire rock that it's attached to. If you're able to get to the base of the coral with an Xacto knive or razor knife of some kind, you could probably score the base a few times and then it should snap off right at the base. If it's small enough around, you could probably use some bone cutters to cut it at the base. If those aren't options, you can take the entire rock out and use a dremel tool to cut it off at the base.

Then you can use superglue gel to mount it somewhere else or to a small piece of rubble rock. While the rock is out, use a stiff toothbrush to remove as much of the algae as you can.
if the coral comes in contact with the Air for a sec or so will it hurt it at all dont want ot kill anything and make sure im doing this right? sorry i have dumb questions i just want to have it work and not kill anything.
No dumb questions. No, that won't hurt it at all. Corals can take being out of water for quite a long time actually. Just think about all the SPS corals that are exposed to air for hours at a time during low tides. I wouldn't suggest that...but 10 or 15 minutes wouldn't hurt it at all. You should be able to limit it to 5 minutes or less. It'll go quick. Just think through all the tools you'd need and plan it all out before removing it from water.
And Anemones if it can be helped at all....although I have and had them out of the water for quite some time with no ill I've also had Starfish out of water for quite awhile. In fact, if you aren't careful, they'll try to crawl right out of your tank, so I don't think it's very critical with starfish.
I truely wish i didnt live so far away from you guys , your all just a book of knowledge and i thank you for all your vast knowledge you share with us from day to day.. i really need to find some live rock , anyone know whats going on with the no ship law anyone heard about that?