Heteractis Magnifica or Sebae for my percula clowns ?

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Oct 18, 2006
I have two percula clowns and I am getting mixed information. Some sites say you have to have a Sebae and other site suggest a "Heteractis Magnifica" also called a Ritteri Anemone. Any Ideas out there before I get myself the wrong one..Thanks in advance for your help!!!:)
You should also know that the survival rate for Ritteri anemones is not that great and I would advise you to not to get one unless you have excelent water quality, very strong turbulent flow, and at very intense lighting (I have seen sucess with a 175W MH with 4 x 6' VHO's. This is what I think but other may advise otherwise.
Ok lets start with the Basics FEATHER_DUSTER

Hi Feather_Duster lets get you the correct info but first to do that we need more info from you shadofax is correct. Now lets figure out what type of tank you have,Next we need to know what kind of lighting you have and finally how old ( Cycled ) is your tank? How muck live rock do you have? what kind of coral If any do you have? How long have you had your two percula clowns? I have kept mine for 4 months before I got a Long Tentacle Anemone, Purple - Macrodactyla doreensis this is a Very hard Anemone to keep requiring Halides and good medium flow I have had mine just over 2 years now and It is very happy with a pair of black Ocellaris Clownfish. Help us with more info and we can give more advice we want you to get to here just give us the info and we will try to get you to this Welcome to R.F....Jeff
P.S. check out the links :)



I have two percula clowns and I am getting mixed information. Some sites say you have to have a Sebae and other site suggest a "Heteractis Magnifica" also called a Ritteri Anemone. Any Ideas out there before I get myself the wrong one..Thanks in advance for your help!!!:)
Also, if you are successful with an H magnifica, it will grow quite large. I have seen a minimum tank dimension of 36" suggested by people who have successfully kept them for years.

Anemones aren't really necessary for clowns.
Ok, someone wanted to know my setup. I have a 90 gallon all glass tank with roughly 110-150lbs of live rock, 1 bulb anemone, 7 different kinds of mushrooms, 3 types of polyps red, yellow, and star, 2 xenia's, 1 crocea clam, 1 shaving bush, 1 Alveopora, 2 percula clowns, 1 hippo tang, 1 green cromis, 1 damsel, 1 female mandrin, 1 purple firefish, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, lots of snails and crabs, and yes you guessed it, 36 feather dusters...lol....the hardware is a coralife deluxe 48 inch light, skilter 400 over the back filter, 1 aquajunk 70 powerhead with filter attachement. Ok you wanted the infomation I hope that helps...Thank you so much for your warm welcome to the forum....
Sorry for sounding so harsh. Anemones (and especially H magnifica) can set off reactions even worse than those of the tang police. H magnifica is really one of those animals that deserves a dedicated tank if it is even kept in captivity at all. And posting a question about one in a beginner's furum as opposed to the advanced topics forum (or others) suggests insufficient initial research.

These forums are a wonderful research tool, with lots of people being glad to help. I will try to make sure that my tone is more helpful in the future.

And finally,

Welcome to Reef Froniers!
I'd definately NOT listen to any advice from a website that says you "HAVE" to have a certain anenome for Percs. Mine LOVED my frogspawn coral and hosted in it for quite some time. Percs are just as likely to host in a Xenia for that matter. Of course, in nature, there are probably only a few "natural" anenomes that they use but I think I'd go with something that was more likely to survive in my tank above going for the most natural element. Does that make sense?? I read it and am not sure...lol. Do as suggested above and read Elmo's workshop on Clowns. Very informative.