hey doods !!

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
well first, i wanted to say hi to all since i'm not to much around here anymore :oops:...the dog, kids, house just keep me busy and sometimes i barely have time for myself :).

My little one decided to dump salt in the sump which all got into the fish tank :rolleyes: and well so far i lost an orange cap, strawberry patch, california tort, pink birthnest,zoos, rainbow monti and i think that's about it, the rest seems to be hanging in there, my question is, can i leave my bleached orange cap in the fish tank? it was attached to a rock and it's about the size of a small tea plate, now since it's completely dead could i use it later for glueing frags?
Gabs good to see you! Yes you can leave it in the tank. It will start to grow algae on it though. It would also be suitable to glue frags to also.
awesome dood, thanks :) i was kind of worried to leave it in there.

how's Robacha's mom doing? :D tell her Robacha says....lick lick bark bark lick fart:lol: :D
Gabs,,stop by and see me on one weekend or pm me ,i got a orange cap, strawberry patch, california tort, pink birthnest, rainbow monti frags for you to get you start again,,it free :)
thank you very much dood :) you're always to kind.

last night was crazy again :shock:, around 3 a.m. i woke up to a burning smell ( can't believe hubby didn't smell...specially since he sleeps right by the fish tank )i start checking everythig...water was spilling everywhere and it got into my electric plugs, i shut everything off right away and i only left the return pump running (it didn't get to wet or burned), now the guilty one for all this was a snail that got stock into my overflow tube :rolleyes: and wasn't letting water run (i should put that snail in timeout :p) .
AWESOME DANG! This why i love our forum soooooooooooooo much.

Okay Gabs....no excuses now! Let me know if you need any equipment i have some odds and ends hanging around.
I agree put that snail in the corner. Damn snails. Mine are always trying to escape too. Damn things. I wish I had something to offer you I have seen alot of your posts on here and I hope the chaos ends for a bit. But with a house and kids the chaos never ends. I have 5 of those crazy little creatures called Kids.
thank you for the offers everyone :) .

i got an electric plug and so everything is back on .

I agree put that snail in the corner. Damn snails. Mine are always trying to escape too. Damn things. I wish I had something to offer you I have seen alot of your posts on here and I hope the chaos ends for a bit. But with a house and kids the chaos never ends. I have 5 of those crazy little creatures called Kids.

no worries and wwouu 5 kids ....you deserve a trophy :) , i can't barely handle 2 and right now one of them is going through her very very terrible 2s :rolleyes:, i can't wait for her to be done with them :lol: .
Dont be so nice your going to give people ideas! lol

Sorry about your tank and corals!

Sorry about having a 2 year old, i have one too! I dont take him in public lets just leave it at that. :p
Wow first off sorry to here about your losses! You must be frustrated I know I would be! Dang you really know how to cheer someone up! Way to go!:D
So sorry to hear that your sleep was interrupted...it sounds as though you have been well cared for by the forum. Would you like some zoos and a green w/ purple rim monti cap frag to add to your new collection? Speaking of monti cap, we had found a bone white, scar of a piece attached to a rock we upturned. We put it close to the top and soon it came back! I guess life wants to live. We are in your neck of the woods often, so pm us and we can drop it by anytime. -Christie
aahhh thank you all so much it really means a lot to me :) , right now i'm just gonna wait before adding corals because i wanna make sure that everything is stable and fine, i'm doing big water changes, skimming and running carbon, some of the survivors are still hanging in there and i have hopes that nothing will die on me.
The coral that hurted me the most was the orange cap because it had been with me for quite sometime, i had it since it was only less than an inch i believe, and it was my first sps so yes that one hurt.

i was very surpriced that my green stylophora, scroll coral and even the sunset monti took it better than the others (i was quite worried about those )... i mean they're pale in color right now and the scroll coral's little polyps are not out but i think they did better than even the soft corals :p, my palyz are still a little bit semi close, my kenya trees are semi opening again, the ones that died quick were the xenias ( i had to hold my breath to take them out LOL!!! ).

i just want to help out my friend back on reefing ,,before she gave up ,,no you won't give up ,,do you Gab

you don't know how many times i felt like that dood, but i think these few months have opened my eyes and no i'm not gonna quit, i love having the tank and watching it at night while i put my kids to sleep , so at least for now i'm staying in :p :).

seriously thank you all and i will be pming you when the time commes :).