So.. I'm new to SW and reefing, but I am being caught along the way by a relative. I bought a neglected 46 gal bow front saltwater tank, restored what I could, and had it cycling for 2 months. I'm a big fan of DIY stuff, very fun to make these stuff. Once the parameters were in ideal conditions, I started buying corals and kinda went overboard
. They were gorgeous! I couldn't help myself (<~ impulse buyer, haha). So far, no losses. I'm getting ready to upgrade my 10 gal sump to a 20 gal sump so that I can upgrade my HOB skimmer to a fit-in-sump skimmer and to also had a carbon/phosphate reactor. My HOB skimmer is started to be a hassle to deal with (had caused a couple of overflows and nearly wreck my power surges). For the time being, I turned my skimmer very low. If anyone selling a good skimmer in a reasonable price range, please let me know! Thanks!