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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2008
Well guys and gals the Wollf has returned. my 90 gallon bow front is doing great i think i have mushrooms in there that are having babies ive counted about 7 differnt ones starting, so i guess im going to be a daddy. i also bought a new light which seems to be making all the difference 500w halg
running NO sumps had nothing but a had time with hte one i have so i have 2 canister filters which are rated for 100 gallons each 1 runs carbon and the other runs micro filters, so yes thats 200 gallon of filtration in a 90 gallon tank , i test my tank every week and change my water every week if it needs it or not, i have over 200 nass snails which keep my glass clean of any red ,brown algae. only 1 problem is i have some hair algae and some other green growth that i have seen in the ocean i just dont know its name yet will research it more , i have no fish, but have noticed some break out bristal worms i dont just have a few i have tons but what bothers me is i see them on my corals and am always worried about them eatting them.. other than that i will get some pictures to post you guys soon thank you for everyone who has helped me. get thus far.
bristle worms are fine, you have a lot of scavengers so i hope you are feeding your tank (even though there aren't fish) because snails will need food. ok so this depends on what you want to keep, if you have 500w halides running i'm thinking you will get into sps...

you are going to want a sump for a protein skimmer and maybe a fuge also, what was the problem with your sump?
Most bristleworms are just fine, however, there are a few species that are bad in our reef tanks. Luckily, they aren't very commonly found. I wouldn't recommend feeding for now. This will just cause a bristleworm explosion in population.

About your lighting. You mentioned 500 watts of Halogen? Keep in mind that halogen lighting really isn't very optimal for a reef tank. For high intensity lighting, you want Metal Halides. Halogen can wreak havoc with algae growth....that didn't sound right. Halogen isn't going to put out the kind of light spectrum that our corals need but will put out great spectrum for algae growth.

As for your filtration, canister filters can quickly become nitrate dumps. I'd remove the filter floss from the one canister and just use it for carbon and flow. I'd suggest getting a skimmer on there as soon as possible, even if you go with a hang on type.

How much live rock do you have and how much flow? How are you creating flow besides with the canister filters? You're going to want at least 900 gph of flow and I'd recommend closer to 2000 gph.
Can you clarify your lighting? I wasn't sure if you were saying halides or as returnofsid pointed out halogens. Please clarify, so we can give you the best advice.

How old is the tank?

Nassarius snails don't feed on growth on the glass. They like to eat left over foods. When a tank is fed, you'll find them crawling out of the sand with their "trunks" on the move looking for any little tidbits.

Do you have any other snails?

Please post a picture of your mushrooms. I just want to make sure they aren't something like majano anemones.
Sorry Metal Halides is what i have, as far as water flow i have kor 4 x2 and kor3x2 and my tank was set up before and taken down now its been up for about 5 months with 100lbs of live rock in it could use more doesnt look like much in the tank, i do feed my snails very little but yes Nass snails do clean the glass of brown and red algae i took pictures today of them doing there clean up work.. As soon as i figure out how to post them on here
Please post up your picture when you can. I'd like to see the snails you are talking about. I have a feeling they aren't nassarius.
Regarding the snails, I would agree with NaH20. Nassarius snails will rarely clean glass and usually spend most of their time buried in the sand. When fed, they can smell food from afar, they'll come out of the sand bed to eat. They're great detrivore cleaners and will do a very good job of keeping your sand bed stirred up. However, it's very rare to see them on glass or cleaning glass.
I understand what your sayin guys but i have compaired to my snails to the pictures here and they are Nass snails what i have found out isif you dont feed them to much they will come out of the sand and climb glass for the brown and red algae thats what mine did, i do throw a few shrimp pellets in there and watch the race..