Hi from Alaska

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Feb 24, 2011
North Pole
Just starting out, started my tank back in Oct have a few fish and just started to add some corals to the tank. Looking foward to reading and learning from everyone.

Hello & :welcome: to Reef Frontiers

I bet its nice have a little piece of the Tropics way up in the Great White North.

Tell us a little more about your system and where/how you obtain livestock for it, and of course show us some pics please.

Cheers, Todd
A little more about my tank;

I have a 55gal DT and 29gal sump, ~110lbs of rock(~40lbs live rest dry) Running a Mag 7 return pump, BM NAC7 skimmer, 2 Korila evo 750, 4x54 T5's with 2 ATI Blue +, ATI Aqublue, and a KZ fiji purple. Got an Apex lite as an Xmas gift

Live stock:
3-blue/green crhomis LFS
1-flame angel LFS
CuC from ReefCleaners
just received a Purple Polyp Green Birdsnest Coral and a 10" rock full of Zoa's

The Birdsnest arrived white :( but polyp's are out so hopdfully it will recover.

Here are a couple of pics:




I'll take a couple of my new arrivals a bit later

Hey, looks good so far and will be a sweet lil reef in no time. Just a thought for you because of past experience with crushed coral as substrate, it alows a great deal of detritus to settle into it and will cause a higher nitrate level than neccessary. If you add about 15-20lbs of fine/sugar sand to it should take care of most of the potential problems by filling in the gaps. If you ever get down to the Seattle area myself and am sure others would give you a Reeftank Care Package of corals you might not be able to get up there.

Cheers, Todd
Welcome :welcome: Really nice rockwork!! Looks like you are off to a great start so far. :) On the crushed corals, I kinda agree with Todd. I never had any good experiences with them, but that's not to say you won't as some people say they don't have any issue. I guess all tanks are different. One piece of advice would be to make sure to vacuum it thoroughly to remove any waste that gets trapped in there.

Good luck with the tank and I hope you enjoy it here. :)
Thanks for TJL for the advice on the CC I never thought of just filling the gaps in. I'll have to give that a try. I should have read more before I started my tank... but such is life live and learn. I may have to take you up on your offer as we have zero corals for sale local :( I get to ship everything including the 110lbs of rock...lol

Thanks Krish I want to leave room for fish to swim in and out and even hide behind when I was setting up the rock.

some Pic's of my new arrival from Live Aquaria

My Purple Polyp Green Birdsnest Coral its not lookings so hot but polyp are out so think it will recover.



Some pics of the Zoa's:





You learn so much just by reading others post. Thanks TJL and Krish, that is some great advice on the sugar sand vs. crushed coral. I do have that problem as my crushed sand/coral is 4" deep and needs a serious cleaning. I use the vac but the debree still runs deep, hermits can't touch this stuff because it's too far down. I have sugar sand in my new tank, soooo pretty=:)
WELCOME and Loven that Aquascape you have, there's alot of SHARP reffers here that love to help us NeeBee's. Can't wait to see your tank as it ages.

Just curious, but was that space made for that tank or did it always exist and the tank just happen to fit perfectly in there? :)
Just curious, but was that space made for that tank or did it always exist and the tank just happen to fit perfectly in there? :)

It was made for fish tank when the house was built :) I add the 2x6 joists to make the tank float mid air and have the sump underneath. Still need to finish off the sump cover, going for a steamer trunk or chest look. For now it a curtain rod LoL. I got another spot in the house that is built beefed up for a larger in wall tank but want to get this little on down pat before I go drop major $$ on a large tank.

WELCOME and Loven that Aquascape you have, there's alot of SHARP reffers here that love to help us NeeBee's. Can't wait to see your tank as it ages.


Thanks I appreciate it!! going slow but it looking good to me :)

Welcome to RF. You will not find a better group of people to share with. There is alot to be said for people who plan ahead.
Your tank is a wonderful addition to the forum.
Nice to meet you. where in Alaska are you??
I've been all over the SE from Yakatat to Sitka
I have some stories from Yakutat........and a few other Alaskan places for that matter.

Looks like the birdsnest will make it if you can find its happy place ;) Welcome to RF!.
Welcome to RF. You will not find a better group of people to share with. There is alot to be said for people who plan ahead.
Your tank is a wonderful addition to the forum.

Thanks! I haven't done much more with it just letting it mature working thru an algae cycle, looking at adding another fish in the next month or so. But with summer being my busy time between work and kids soccer 6 nights a week I may just hold off.

I live in North Pole Alaska(the middle of the state). But between my avid fly fishing and and working as a HotShot (Type 1 wildland firefighter) in the ealy 90's I've been all over the state.

North Pole brings back memories of spring time fishing. As a kid I would ride my bike from Fairbanks to North pole just to stand on five feet of ice on the bank to fish the river. Good times. Larry